The given paper is aimed at presenting its research work on the quantitative method for the occupational disease hazard risk assessment in hoping to promote the solution to the prob- lem of occupational hazards risk classification in industrial and civil engineering construction companies. For the research purpose, we have analyzed and classified all the influential factors on the risk degrees for the workers and staff members' health through an expert investigation and evaluation with the Delphi method based on the system engineering and risk assessment theory. The said influential factors of the index system of occupation hazard risk assessment are supposed to include all the factors involved, such as the hazard source, the protection and safety levels of the essential and additional protection facilities, personnel risk-exposure levels, the occupational disease prevention and insurance factors, etc. It is based on the analysis of the above mentioned occupational hazard involving factors that we have founded a quantitative risk assessment model, known as the occupational hazard affecting factor assignment method (OHFA) by assigning appropriate values to all the said hazard affecting factors. At the same time, we have predicted and identified the risk degrees or levels so as to provide reference to the risk identification, assess- ment, prevention and management control. Taking a petrochemical sulfur recovery project as a Case study sample, it is concluded that the overall occupational disease hazard degree risk index is 12, and the risk level is I for the project. The risk level for all the occupational disease hazard factors in the construction project can be arranged from high to low shown as follows: hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, sulfur and high temperature. The key influential factors of the risk classification can be identified as hydrogen sulfide. The results of our study prove that the method turns to be in perfect agreement with the actual engineering analysis and expertise assessment, which can not only give a quantitative risk assessment result, but also provide the risk degree or risk rating for each of the occupational disease hazard factors as a result of comparison. Therefore, the method we have developed enjoys the advantages for the risk prevention and control measures for the prospective users.
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
occupational disease
risk assessment