
弧形切割闭合器联合经口置入钉砧头系统在SiewertⅡ型食管胃结合部腺癌根治术中的应用价值 被引量:5

Application value of the curved cutter stapler device combined with trans-orally inserted anvil in the radi- cal resection of Siewert type II adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction
摘要 目的探讨弧形切割闭合器联合经口置入钉砧头系统在SiewertⅡ型食管胃结合部腺癌(AEG)根治术中的应用价值。方法采用回顾性横断面研究方法。收集2011年3月至2016年3月河南省肿瘤医院收治的206例SiewertⅡ型AEG患者的临床病理资料。患者均行AEG根治术,施行三阶段顺时针全胃切除+D'淋巴结清扫术。观察指标:(1)手术及术后恢复情况:手术入路、总体手术时间、钉砧头放置时间、食管空肠吻合时间、术中出血量、淋巴结清扫数目、术后肛门排气时间、术后并发症情况、术后住院时间。(2)术后病理学检查及化疗情况。(3)随访和生存情况。采用电话与门诊相结合的方式随访,随访内容为患者无瘤生存情况。随访时间截至2016年4月。正态分布的计量资料采用牙±s表示。采用Kaplan—Meier法计算生存率。结果(1)手术及术后恢复情况:206例患者均顺利完成手术,经腹手术85例,经腹切开膈肌进胸手术50例,胸腹联合手术71例。206例患者总体手术时间为(113.7±15.4)min,钉砧头放置时间为(3.5±1.2)min,食管空肠吻合时间为(10.4±2.9)min,术中出血量为(128±25)mL,淋巴结清扫数目为(32±6)枚,术后肛门排气时间为(2.4±0.9)d。206例患者中,15例发生术后并发症,其中隐性吻合口瘘6例、显性吻合口瘘3例、胰液漏2例、肠梗阻2例、吻合口狭窄1例、胸腹腔感染1例,并发症均经保守治疗后痊愈。无围术期因并发症再次行手术治疗患者。206例患者术后住院时间为(12.3±1.9)d。(2)术后病理学检查及化疗情况:206例患者食管切缘距肿瘤距离为(5.2±0.4)cm,切缘均无癌细胞残留。171例患者术后接受替吉奥联合奥沙利铂方案化疗6-8个周期,或口服单药替吉奥1年。(3)随访和生存情况:206例患者均获得术后随访,随访时间为(2.7±0.3)年。206例患者3年无瘤生存率为58%,随访期间无吻合口肿瘤复发患者。结论SiewertⅡ型AEG根治术中应用弧形切割闭合器联合经口置入钉砧头系统,可简化食管空肠吻合难度,保障食管下端的安全切缘。 Objective To investigate the application value of the curved cutter stapler device combined with trans-orally inserted anvil (OrVil) in the radical resection of Siewert type II adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG). Methods The retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted. The clinieopathological data of 206 patients with Siewert type iI AEG who were admitted to the Henan Tumor Hospital between March 2011 and March 2016 were collected. All the 206 patients underwent radical resection and 3-step clock wise total gastrectomy + D2 lymph node dissection. Observation indicators : ( 1 ) surgery and postoperative recovery situations: surgical approach, overall operation time, hammer anvil placing time, esophagojejunal anastomosis time, volume of intraoperative blood loss, number of lymph node dissected, time to anal exsufflation, postoperative complications and duration of postoperative hospital stay; (2) postoperative pathological examination and chemotherapy; (3) follow-up and survival situations. Follow-up using telephone interview and outpatientexamination was performed to detect tumor-free survival of patients up to April 2016. Measurement data with normal distribution were represented as .~+~. The survival rate was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Results ( 1 ) Surgery and postoperative recovery situations .. all the 206 patients received successful operations, including 85 with abdominal operation, 50 with abdominal incision through the diaphragmatic muscle into thoracic surgery and 71 with thoracic-abdominal surgery. Overall operation time, hammer anvil placing time, esophagojejunal anastomosis time, volume of intraoperative blood loss, number of lymph node dissected, time to anal exsufflation and duration of hospital stay were ( 113.7-+ 15.4 ) minutes, ( 3.5-+ 1.2) minutes, ( 10. 4+ 2.9) minutes, ( 128-+ 25 ) mL, 32+ 6, ( 2.4__+ 0. 9) days and ( 12.3 -+ 1.9) days, respectively. Of 206 patients, 15 with postoperative complications were cured by conservative treatment, including 6 with implicit anastomotic fistula, 3 with dominant anastomotic fistula, 2 with pancreatic leakage, 2 with intestinal obstruction, 1 with anastomotic stenosis and 1 with thoracic and abdominal infection. There was no reoperation due to perioperative complications. (2) Postoperative pathological examination and chemotherapy- postoperative pathological results showed that distance from resection margin of the esophagus to tumor was (5.2+0.4)era, without cancer ceils in the resection margin. Among 206 patients, 171 received postoperative chemotherapy by $1 single agent combined with oxaliplatin for 6 - 8 cycles or oral S1 single agent for 1 year. (3) Follow-up and survival situations- 206 patients were followed up for (2.7+ 0. 3)years, with a tumor4ree 3-year survival rate of 58%. During the follow-up, there was no recurrent anastomotic tumor. Conclusion The curved cutter stapler device combined with Or^il in the radical resection of Siewert type II AEG can simplify the difficulty of esophagojejunal anastomosis and guarantee the safe resection margin of the lower esophagus.
出处 《中华消化外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期459-463,共5页 Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery
基金 河南省科技攻关项目(201403214)
关键词 食管胃结合部肿瘤 腺癌 SiewertⅡ型 食管空肠吻合术 Esophagogastric junction neoplasms, adenocarcinoma Siewert type 1I Esophagojejunostomy
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