Objective It takes some medical institutions as research objects and analyzes hospitals' disinfection effect in 2013 in Shanxi province.To know the quality condition of sterilization in these medical institutions. To improve and supervise sterilization and infection control working ofmedical institutions. Methods Used field sampling and microbiological examination method, dynamic monitoring was taken to check the qualityof sterilization in some public and priviate hospitals. Used chi -square test to statistical significant. Results We collected a total of 819 samplesof straight management medical institution's different monitoring object in Shanxi province in 2013. Total YIELD of disinfection average qualitywas 93.77%. The provincial straight management hospitals' sampling were 631, YIEL was 93.82%. Provincial straight management privatehospitals were 188, YIELD was 93.62%. Through the statistical analysis, we could not thought that there was difference between provincialstraight management public hospitals and private hospitals. Conclusions There is no statistical significance in disinfection quality between pro-vincial straight management public hospitals and private hospitals. Totality is good, but it still has the space of improvement.
Soft Science of Health
hospital infection, disinfection sterilization, effect monitoring