
2012年山东省居民伤害死亡状况及潜在减寿年数分析 被引量:24

Status of Injury Death and Potential Years of Life Lost in Shandong Province in 2012
摘要 目的分析2012年山东省监测点居民伤害死亡的流行特征和疾病负担,为制定伤害预防控制策略和措施提供参考。方法采用死亡率、早死指数、潜在寿命损失年(PYLL)、潜在工作损失年(WPYLL)、平均潜在工作损失年(AWPYLL)指标对伤害死亡数据进行分析。结果 2012山东省监测点居民伤害死亡率为53.36/10万,男性(72.8/10万)高于女性(33.45/10万),农村(57.64/10万)高于城市(42.92/10万),伤害死亡的主要原因依次是交通事故、自杀、其他意外伤害、跌落、淹溺和意外中毒。0~14岁年龄组人群伤害的主要死因是溺水,15~64岁人群则是交通伤害,65岁及以上人群则以自杀和交通事故为主,其次为跌倒。他杀和淹溺的早死指数位居最高,男性高于女性,他杀在城市较高,而淹溺在农村较高。因交通事故导致的PYLL和WPYLL分别为82858人年和46300人年,因自杀导致的PYLL和WPYLL分别为31710人年和15377人年,男性均明显高于女性,农村高于城市。结论伤害是导致"早死"和寿命损失的重要疾病负担,伤害死亡带来的社会和经济损失应引起相关部门的重视,应根据城乡、性别及年龄的实际情况采取针对性的有效防控措施。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and burden of injury death in monitoring area in Shandong province in 2012 and to provide a scientific basis for preventing and controlling injury. Methods The surveillance data of death of inhabitants were analyzed by indicators such as mortality, index of early death, years of potentiallife ( PYLL ), working years of potential life lost(WPYLL) and average working years of potential life lost( AWPYLL). Results The mortal- ity of injury was 56.36 per 100000. Injury mortality of male residents(72. 8 per 100000) was higher than that of the female residents(33.45 per 100000) ,and inrural in rural(57.64 per 100000) was higher than in urban(42.92 perl00000). The leading causes of injury death were traffic accidents, suicide, other accident harm, falls, drowning and poisoning. Drowning was the main cause of injury death among the population from 0 to 14 years old,and traffic accident was the main cause from 15 to 64 years old. Traffic accident and suicide was the main cause of injury death among the population more than 65 years old, followed by falls. The untimely death of homicide and drowning index was the highest. Suicide is higher in the city and drowning in the coun- tryside is higher. PYLL and WPYLL in traffic accident were 82858 years and 46300 years respectively. PYLL and WPYLL insuicide were 31710 years and 15377 years respectively. The PYLL and WPYLL in male was higher than in female, and in rural was higher than in urban. Conclusion Injury was the important disease burden leading to premature deathand life losses. The related administrative department of public health should pay more attention to thesocial and economic losses caused by the injury death. Effective control strategies should be formulated by different urban and rural areas, different gender and different age.
出处 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期236-239,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Statistics
基金 山东省医药卫生科技发展计划(2013WS0168) "健康山东"重大风险预测与治理协同创新中心重点项目(XT1403002) 潍坊医学院科技创新基金项目(K1301019)
关键词 伤害 死亡状况 疾病负担 PYLL Injury Statas of death Burden of disease PYLL
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