目的通过对婺城区2009-2015年手足口发病情况进行流行病学分析,找出疾病分布规律,为手足口病防控提供理论依据。方法利用Excel 2013软件对数据整理后,进行描述流行病学分析。时空聚集性分析使用Satscan9.4.3软件,地区分布及聚集性区域使用Arcgis10.2软件进行可视化表达。结果婺城区手足口病发病高峰为4-6月,次高峰为11-12月;发病年龄集中在5岁以下,以散居儿童和托幼儿童为主;发病率较高的地区主要为城区街道和城乡接合部;婺城区中北部街道、乡镇手足口发病存在明显的时空聚集性。结论在手足口病防控中应在历年发病高峰来临前重点关注托幼机构、发生地区聚集性的城区街道及城乡接合部。
Objective To find out the distribution law of hand-foot-mouth disease and provide theoretical basis for the prevention and control, according to the epidemiological analysis of the incidence of the hand-foot-month disease during 2009- 2015 in Wucheng district. Method The data were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological analysis and sorted by software excel 2013. Temporal clustering analysis used Satscan 9.4. 3 software, geographical distribution and aggregation region visualized were analyzed to use Arcgisl0. 2 expression. Result Two peaks of incidence were observed every year,the highest peak occurred between April and June, and the following peak observed in November and December. Scattered and kindergarten children of five or younger were primarily affected. Higher prevalence of regions were urban streets and handover of the villages and towns. The incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease in the eastern district of Wucheng district had obvious spatial and temporal clustering. Conclusion In hand-foot-mouth disease prevention , we should focus on preschools , the occurrence of city streets and urban fringe areas of aggregation which the higher prevalence of regions in previous years before incidence of the peak season.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
hand-foot-mouth disease
epidemiological characteristics
temporal-spatial clustering