The adverse reactions and drug-induced diseases of psyehotropie drugs are very common and Ilave been clinieal prob- lems. In western countries, people generally realize the harm of chemical medicine on human body. Even people think the appli- cation of western medicine has more disadvantages than advantages. The adverse reactions of psyehotropic drugs are medical dis- aster and should be highly paid attention to. For these adverse reactions and drag-induced diseases, most western medicine lacks reliable curative means but Chinese medicine has its own advantages of disease or syndrome differentiation and treatment as well as symptomatic treatment, combined with therapies of clearing heat, relieving toxin, nourishing yiu, activating blood and pur- ging. The advantages of Chinese medicine for the prevention and treatment of adverse reactions and drug-induced diseases not on- ly lie in these concrete therapies but also the concept of holism, great attention of healthy qi and preventive treatment of disease.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
psychotropic drugs
adverse reactions
Chinese medicine treatment