
城市贫困家庭养老经济约束困境与应对策略 被引量:4

The Constraints Dilemma of Pension Economy of the Urban Poverty Families and Its Solution Strategy
摘要 结合2016年对H省城市最低生活保障家庭的入户调查,利用政策比较分析法在政策规定、政策执行、执行效果三个方面从资源约束和主体协同两个维度,对影响和制约城市贫困家庭养老经济支持的相关因素进行分析。研究结论如下:城市低保家庭受家庭资源约束和倾向子代分配影响,自身缺乏为未来养老投资的预算安排;社会养老因制度参保缴费强制要求权利义务统一,经测算城市贫困家庭经济条件不能满足按制度规定长期供给的要求;城市最低生活保障制度旨在对贫困家庭的当期最低生活消费进行补助,缺乏为贫困家庭未来养老安排的制度目标;家庭、个人、政府、社会四方未能建立起城市低保家庭的养老经济资源支持体系,各种制度之间缺乏有效衔接和呼应,而且存在着制度空隙和利益挤占。研究建议:提高不同制度间的协同衔接水平,加强对城市贫困老年人的经济支持;参照新型农村社会养老保险制度,已达到法定领取年龄的城市低保家庭老年人可以按月领取基本养老金,但适龄符合制度规定的城市低保家庭成员应当参加基本社会养老保险,政府可根据家庭经济能力和负担按照不同比例进行资助参保;经济状况核查中的家庭收入计算和家庭资产规定,需要适当酌情考虑城市老年人养老基本经济需要给予适当豁免;重视家庭支持,尊重和引导个人对养老进行合理规划,鼓励支持社会力量积极充分参与到城市贫困家庭养老当中。 According to the survey on the households enjoying the minimum living standard guarantee in H Province in 2016, through the policy comparative analysis method, this paper analyzes the factors that affect and constrain the economic support of the urban poor from the perspective of resource constraints and subject coordination. The conclusions are as follows: affected by family resource constraints and the tendency of the progeny distribution, the households enjoying the minimum living standard guarantee are lack of budget for future pension investments. As the paying system requires mandatorily the integration of rights and obligations, the economic conditions of the poor urban households cannot meet the requirements of long-term supply according to the system. The city's minimum living security system aims to subsidize the minimum living expenses of poor households and lacks institutional goals for future pension arrangements for poor families. Family, individual, government, and community failed to establish a pension support system for urban poor families, there is a lack of effective cohesion and cooperation between various systems, and institutional gaps and interests squeeze exist. The paper recommends: improving the level of coordination between different systems; strengthening the economic support to the urban poor old people; referring to the new rural social endowment insurance system, the elderly people who have reached the legal age of enjoying urban minimum living standard guarantee can get basic pension on a monthly basis, but members of enjoying the minimum living standard guarantee and meeting the requirements of the system should participate in basic social endowment insurance, and the government can provide fund aid based on family economic capacity and burden and in a different proportion. The household income calculation and family assets regulations defined in the economic status check need to be properly exempted considering the basic economic needs of the urban elderly pension. It is suggested to pay more attention to family support, respect and guide individuals to make reasonable planning for pension life, encourage and support social forces to actively participate in the urban poor families pension.
作者 李鹏
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第2期16-33,共18页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目(15JJD630009)
关键词 贫困家庭 资源约束 协同整合 福利多元主义 资助参保 社会参与 poor families resource constraints synergistic integration welfare pluralism funded insurance social participation
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