
贸易展览会规模化与国际化关系的探索性研究 被引量:2

The Relation of the Trade Exhibition Scalization and Internationalization
摘要 展览会规模和国际化水平的基本指标包括展商数、观众数、国外展商所占比例和国外观众所占比例。统计数据表明,与世界会展业发达国家相比,我国大多数贸易展览会的规模和国际化水平普遍偏低,需要实现规模化和国际化。目前,行业界和学术界对展览会的规模化和国际化均无统一认识。本质上,展览会的规模化和国际化就是其规模不断扩大和国际化水平不断提高的过程。理论分析和事实发现,在内外部环境因素的影响下,展览会规模化和国际化并不一定同方向变化。展览会从贸易功能上可划分为国内交换型、出口型、进口型和国际交换型四种类型,从观众类型上可分为专业观众型、社会观众型和混合观众型三大类型。根据双边市场理论和品牌价值理论,出口型、进口型和国际交换型三种外向性展览会中的专业观众型展览会的规模化和国际化可能相互促进。以欧洲4个消费品和投资品行业、经第三方机构认证的展览会为样本,对不同类型展览会的国际化水平和规模指标分别进行聚类——均值比较和斯皮尔曼相关性检验,同样发现:虽然在社会观众型、混合观众型的贸易展览会中规模化和国际化的不相关是存在的,但在外向性的专业观众型展览会中规模化与国际化极有可能成正相关。因此,管理者有必要通过大幅度增加国外展商数和(或)观众数的办法来实现外向性的专业观众型展览会的国际化和规模化。 The basic indexes of the exhibition scalization and internationalization are the quantity of exhibitors, the quantity of visitors, the ratio of foreign exhibitors and the ratio of foreign visitors. The statistical data show that most of Chinese trade exhibitions have a lower level of scalization and internationalization than that of the developed countries in MICE industry. So, Chinese trade exhibitions need to do something concerning scalization and internationalization. By far, there is still non-uniform cognition on exhibition scalization and internationalization both from the industry and the academia. Essentially, the exhibition scalization and internationalization are the process of the exhibition's scale growing larger and the level of internationalization keeping higher. Both the theoretical analysis and the fact find out that the indexes of scalization and internationalization are probably not positively correlated under the influences of internal and external environment factors. The exhibitions can be divided into four types as per the trading functions, namely, domestic exchange, export, import and international exchange. Meanwhile, the exhibitions are also classified into business-to-business exhibitions, business-to-customer exhibitions and general exhibitions from the perspective of visitors type. Based on the two-sided markets theory and the brand value theory, scalization and internationalization indexes are likely to be mutually promoted in the business-to-customer exhibitions of export-oriented, import-oriented, and international exchange oriented exhibitions. With the approved data of exhibitions in four European consumable and investment goods industries as the research sample, the K-mean cluster comparison and Spearman correlation test are respectively used to evaluate the internationalization and scalization indexes in different types of exhibitions. The conclusion is that the indexes of scalization and internationalization are probably not positively correlated in business-to-business exhibitions and the general exhibitions, however, these two indexes are extremely likely to be mutually promoted in the export-oriented or import-oriented business-to-business exhibitions. Therefore, the administrators can achieve the scalization and the internationalization in business-to-business exhibitions by substantially increasing the quantities of foreign exhibitors and visitors.
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第2期86-100,共15页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 四川省哲学社会科学学科项目(SC12XK010) 四川省教育厅项目(16TD0037) 成都大学项目(2081915007)
关键词 贸易展览会 规模化 国际化 聚类分析 相关性检验 双边市场 品牌价值 trade exhibition scalization internationalization cluster analysis correlation test two-sided markets brand value
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