采集北京城区河流34个表层水样和23个沉积物样品,采集后海、前海和西海这3个城市湖泊10个表层水样和5个沉积物样品,应用HPLC-MS/MS技术对表层水样及沉积物样品中10种药物及个人护理品(PPCPs)进行检测分析,发现河流表层水样和城市湖泊表层水样中PPCPs的浓度范围分别为N.D.~655 ng·L^(-1)和N.D.~252 ng·L^(-1).在河流表层水样中,10种PPCPs的检出率范围为0~100%,其中咖啡因的检出率为100%,磺胺甲唑、地尔硫卓和泰乐菌素均未检出;在湖泊表层水样中,10种PPCPs的检出率范围为0~100%,其中对乙酰氨基酚、林可霉素、咖啡因和阿奇霉素的检出率为100%,磺胺甲唑、地尔硫卓、泰乐菌素及卡马西平都未检出;河流沉积物和城市湖泊沉积物中PPCPs的含量范围分别为N.D.~1 709ng·g^(-1)和N.D.~35.9 ng·g^(-1),在河流表层沉积物中,10种PPCPs的检出率范围为4%~96%,其中甲氧苄啶的检出率最高,泰乐菌素的检出率最低;在湖泊表层沉积物中,10种PPCPs的检出率范围为0~100%,其中地尔硫卓的检出率最高,咖啡因、泰乐菌素和卡马西平均未检出.从各河流看,永定引水渠、凉水河、通惠河及坝河表层水体及沉积物中PPCPs的含量较高,永定河、昆玉河表层水体中PPCPs的含量较低.应用风险商值(RQ)模型评价北京城区各河流及湖泊表层水体与沉积物中PPCPs残留对生态环境的影响,发现北京城区河流及湖泊表层水体中的10种PPCPs的RQ值均低于0.1,对河流生态环境具有低风险.城区河流及湖泊沉积物中,对乙酰氨基酚对永定引水渠、通惠河及坝河底栖生态环境具有中等风险;林可霉素对永定引水渠、温榆河、通惠河、护城河、坝河、凉水河及后海底栖生态环境具有中等风险;甲氧苄啶对永定引水渠、清河、温榆河、通惠河、护城河、坝河、亮马河、凉水河及后海底栖生态环境具有中等风险;阿奇霉素对亮马河及凉水河底栖生态环境具有中等风险,对永定引水渠、清河、温榆河、通惠河、坝河及后海底栖生态环境具有高风险.
Thirty-four water samples and twenty-three sediment samples from the urban rivers, ten water samples and five sediment samples from urban lakes were collected in Beijing. Ten PPCPs (acetaminophen, lincomycin, caffeine, trimethoprim, azithromycin, sulfamethoxazole, diltiazem, tylosin, carbamazepine, fluoxetine) were extracted from water samples by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and from sediment samples by ultrasonic extraction, and then analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). The ranges of geometric mean values were 0-655 ng·L^-1 and 0-252 ng·L^-1 in water samples from urban rivers and lakes,respectively. The range of detection ratio was 0-100% for 10 PPCPs in river water samples, caffeine was the dominant pollutant in water samples and the detection ratio was 100%, whereas sulfamethoxazole, diltiazem and tylosin were not detected in river samples. The range of detection ratio was 0-100% for 10 PPCPs in lake water samples. The detection ratios of acetaminophen, lincomycin, caffeine and azithromycin were 100%, whereas sulfamethoxazole, diltiazem, tylosin, carbamazepine were not detected in lake water samples. The ranges of geometric mean values were N.D.-1709 ng·g^-1 and N.D.-35.9 ng·g^-1 in sediment samples from urban rivers and lakes, respectively. The ranges of detection ratio were 4%-96% and 0-100% for 10 PPCPs in river and lake sediment samples, respectively. The detection ratio of trimethoprim was 96% and that of tylosin was 4% in river sediment, the detection ratio of diltiazem was 100% and caffeine, tylosin,carbamazepine were not detected. The concentrations of PPCPs in water and sediment samples from Yongyin River, Liangshui River, Tonghui River, Bahe River were higher than those in other rivers. The concentrations of PPCPs in water and sediment samples from Yongding River,Kunyu River were lower than those in other rivers. Further risk assessment results showed that the overall risk was not high in water of rivers and lakes and the RQ values were below 0.1, which showed low risk to microorganisms. But the condition was not the same in sediment from rivers and lakes. The RQ values of acetaminophen were between 0.1 and 1 in sediments from Yongyin River, Tonghui River, Bahe River. The RQ values of lincomycin were between 0.1 and 1 in sediments from Yongyin River, Wenyu River,Tonghui River, Hucheng River, Bahe River, Liangshui River, Houhai Lake. The RQ values of trimethoprim were between 0.1 and 1 in sediments from Yongyin River, Qinghe River, Wenyu River, Tonghui River Hucheng River, Bahe River, Liangma River, Liangshui River and Houhai Lake. The RQ values of azithromycin were between 0.1 and 1 in sediments from Liangma River, Liangshui River, which all showed medium risk to microorganisms in sediments. The RQ values of azithromycin exceeded 1 from Yongyin River, Qinghe River, Wenyu River, Tonghui River, Bahe River and Houhai Lake, which showed high risk to microorganisms in sediments.
Environmental Science