
早产儿视网膜病变近视患儿的屈光参数分析 被引量:10

Optical components of myopic children with a history of retinopathy of prematurity
摘要 目的 研究学龄前早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)近视患儿晶状体参数变化,并探讨晶状体参数与ROP近视的关系.方法 病例对照研究.收集2014年1月至2015年12月在湖南省儿童医院眼科门诊随访的1-6岁ROP患儿,所有入选者未行手术,分为1-3岁和4-6岁2个年龄段.根据屈光状态分为ROP近视组(36例68眼,MOR组)、ROP非近视组(30例58眼,Non-MOR组).对2组病例采用带状检影镜检测屈光度数并以等效球镜度(SE)记录,采用角膜曲率仪测量角膜曲率(CR),A超测量前房深度(ACD)、玻璃体腔深度(VITR)、眼轴长度(AL)及散瞳前后晶状体厚度(LT).通过比较MOR组与Non-MOR组屈光参数差异及散瞳前后的LT变化,来分析2组屈光参数的差异及晶状体参数的改变与ROP近视关系,2组间CR、ACD、AL等参数比较采用独立样本t检验.结果 ①1-3岁患儿MOR组较Non-MOR组CR更陡(t=2.916,P〈0.01),LT更厚(t=3.227,P〈0.01);而2组间ACD、VITR及AL差异无统计学意义.②4-6岁患儿MOR组较Non-MOR组LT更厚(t=2.257,P〈0.05);而2组间CR、ACD、VITR及AL差异无统计学意义.③散瞳前MOR组较Non-MOR组LT更厚(t=3.152,P〈0.01),散瞳前后MOR组LT变化较小(t=2.045,P〈0.05).结论 ①1-3 岁 ROP 近视患儿屈光参数特点主要表现为角膜较陡,晶状体较厚;而 4-6 岁 ROP 近视患儿屈光参数特点主要表现为晶状体较厚,说明学龄前期 ROP 患者近视主要来源于晶状体屈光力的增加. ②ROP 近视患儿晶状体厚,散瞳前后的 LT 变化小,提示 ROP 可能影响晶状体的弹性和调节. ③晶状体的调节功能和屈光参数匹配可能是影响 ROP 近视的重要因素之一. Objective To examine the changes in lens parameters in pre-school myopic children with a history of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and to identify the relationship between lens parameters and myopia with ROP. Methods In this cases control study, 66 children (126 eyes) aged 1 to 6 years were recruited from the Department of Ophthalmology in Hunan Children's Hospital from January 2014 to December 2015. ROP surgical patients were excluded. They were divided into the following two groups based on gestational age, history of ROP, and refractive status: (1)myopia with a history of ROP (36 cases, 68 eyes, MOR group) and (2) no myopia with ROP (30 cases, 58 eyes, Non-MOR group). Differences in optical parameters and lens thickness variation before and after cycloplegia were compared. Data between two groups were compared by t-test. Results For children aged 1-3 years, the MOR group had a steeper corneal curvature (t=2.916, P〈0.01) and greater lens thickness (LT) (t=3.227, P〈0.01) than did the non-MOR group. For children aged 4-6 years, only the LT of the MOR group was thicker (t=2.257, P〈0.05). The MOR group had a thicker LT before cycloplegia (t=3.152, P〈0.01) and less lens thickness variation before and after cycloplegia (t=2.045, P〈0.05) compared to the non-MOR group. Conclusion (1)In pre-school children, ROP myopia derives mainly from the increase in lens power. (2)Myopic children with ROP have a thicker lens. The change in the LT before and after mydriasis is small, suggesting that ROP may affect the elasticity and regulation of the lens. (3)The adjustment function of the lens and the matching optical components may be one of the important factors in the myopia of ROP.
出处 《中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期163-167,共5页 Chinese Journal Of Optometry Ophthalmology And Visual Science
基金 湖南省科技厅国际合作重点项目(2015WK3048)
关键词 早产儿视网膜病变 近视 屈光 晶状体厚度 晶状体调节 Retinopathy of prematurity Myopic Refraction Lens thickness Lens accommodation
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