
开设医患沟通课程提高医学生医患沟通能力的价值研究 被引量:20

Value study of setting up doctor-patient communication course to improve medical students' communication ability
摘要 目的分析开设医患沟通课程对提高医学生医患沟通能力的价值。方法 2013年5月采用自行设计的问卷调查表,调查某高校300名2009级实习学生(大三上学期开设医患沟通课程,实验组)及300名2008级实习学生(大三上学期未开设医患沟通课程,对照组),其中开设课程以《医学生医患沟通教程》为教材。分析实验组学生对教程的特点和应用评价情况,比较两组医学生医患沟通能力的提高情况。结果 (1)大部分医学生认为教程的内容很丰富、版面设计合理、实用性较好,但建议教程语言形式应更活波、应增加最新进展及评价体系。(2)84.6%的学生对教程很感兴趣,66.1%的学生建议把教程设为专业课,62.7%的学生认为教程授课方式多样,对授课老师的满意度为77.1%,81.5%的学生认为教程的考核方式单一,认为教程对改善自己沟通能力作用较大高达96.2%。(3)影响医患关系的社会因素评价中,实验组中患方对医学生不信任为15.1%,明显低于对照组(21.8%)。(4)实验组通过系统学习教程后,在掌握医患关系相关法律(P=0.005)、进行医患沟通的自信心(P=0.010)、有效的沟通策略(P=0.006)、取得患者的信任和配合(P=0.028)、充分获知与疾病相关的信息(P=0.013)等方面改善明显。结论开设医患沟通课程可明显提高医学生医患沟通能力,可在各个医学院校推广使用。 Objective To analyze the value of setting up doctor-patient communication course to improve the medical students' communication ability. Methods 300 junior students of Grade 2009 (who had learned the doctor-patient com- munication course in the first semester of third academic year, experimention group) and the other 300 junior students of Grade 2008 (who had not learned the course, control group) were assessed with self-designed questionnaire in May 2013. Doctor-patient communication course for medical students was used as the textbook of communication course. experimention group students/ situation of evaluation for characteristics and application of the course was aria lyzed, doctor-patient communication ability improving situation of students in two groups were compared. Results ①Most of themedical students believed that the course had rich content, reasonable design, good practicality. However, it was recommended that the language of the course should be more active, and the latest development and evaluation system should be increased.②84.6% students were very interested in the course, 66.1% students suggested setting up the course as a special- ized one, 62.7% students thought that the teaching methods were various, the satisfaction for teachers was 77.1%, 81.5% students thought the evaluationmethod was too single, 96.2% students thought that the course had great effect on improving their communication skill. ③ Evaluation of the social factors affecting the doctor-patient relationship, the mistrust of medical students in the ex- perimention group was 15.1%, which was significantly lower than the control group (21.8%).④ Through the systematic course study, the experimention group significantly improved in the mastery of the doctor-patient relationship legal (P = 0.005), self-confidence in doctor-patient communication (P = 0.010), effective communication strategies (P = 0.006), winning the trust and cooperation of patients (P = 0.028), well learning the information related to diseases (P = 0.013) and so on. Conclusion Medical students" doctor-patient communication course can obviously improve the communica- tion ability of medical students, and it can be widely used in various medical schools.
作者 李小艳 陈国栋 唐涛 武亮亮 齐硕 李佳霖 贺军 刘江华 LI Xiaoyan CHEN Guodong TANG Tao WU Liangliang QI Shuo LI Jialin HE Jun LIU Jianghua(Department of Endocrinology, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanhua University, Hu'nan Province, Hengyang 421001, China Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanhua University, Hu'nan Province, Hengyang 421001, China Education Office, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanhua University, Hu'nan Province, Hengyang 421001, China)
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2017年第13期128-131,共4页 China Medical Herald
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学基金(15YBA322) 湖南省普通高等学校教学改革研究项目(湘教通[2015]118号-239) 湖南省卫生计生委科研计划课题项目(B2017052) 南华大学哲学社会科学基金(2015XGY04) 南华大学高等教育研究与改革课题(2015XJG-YY01 2016XJG-YY01)
关键词 医学生 医患沟通教程 问卷调查表 医患沟通能力 Medical students Doctor-patient communication course Questionnaire Ability of doctor-patient commu-nication
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