

Analysis of New Product Research and Technical Innovation on the Development of Enterprise: A Case Study
摘要 以4家企业技术创新后的营业收入数据为基础,比较各自的投资营业收入率,根据其走势分析企业开展技术创新的必要性,预测企业未来几年内的经济发展状况。指出技术创新对企业经济发展的必然性,研发投资与企业短期收益比例呈正相关关系。 Based on the revenue data of 4 enterprises after taking on technical innovation, this paper compared their investment and income ratios and predicted the development trends of each enterprise in the coming future. Furthermore, this paper pointed out the investment in research and development had a positive correlation with the short - term profit of enterprises.
作者 张荣凡
出处 《郑州铁路职业技术学院学报》 2016年第4期30-32,36,共4页 Journal of Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College
关键词 技术创新 核心竞争力 经济效益 有形资产 无形资产 technical innovation core competence economic benefit tangible assets intangible assets
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