

Analysis on Land Redemption Movement of West Shandong and South Hebei in the Middle and Late Anti-Japanese War
摘要 1941至1943年,鲁西冀南先后经历了百年少遇的旱灾、蝗灾、水灾,加之日伪残酷掠夺,灾荒于1943年达于顶峰,百姓卖房卖地以求生存。1943年底鲁西冀南根据地形势好转,中共开展赎地运动,解决灾荒遗留问题。赎地政策注重保护贫困阶层农户利益,尽量遵行公平原则,强调协商解决问题,区别对待汉奸购买土地。通过广泛的思想动员工作,及时纠正偏差,审慎处理赎地过程中种种疑难复杂问题,使得赎地运动较为成功,不仅为灾荒期间失地的农户收回了土地,改善了根据地群众的生活,而且也在政治、经济、军事等各个方面增强了根据地的实力,为争取抗战胜利做好了物质和精神的准备。 Within the period of 1941 to 1943, a succession of unprecedented disasters, including floods, droughts, and plagues of locusts, followed close upon another in West Shandong and South Hebei Provinee. As the combined consequences of natural catastrophes and cruelty of Japanese puppets peaked in 1943, civilians in this area could survive on nothing but selling their residences and land property for food. Fortunately at the closure of 1943, this unfavorable situation took a turn for the better. The Communists, as well as boosted production, put a series of regulations and policies into effect aiming to ameliorate the damage rendered by famine. Specifically, these policies put an emphasis on protecting the benefits of the less privileged as an insurance of fairness and negotiation, and meanwhile, traitors were treated differently. During this movement, the Anti-Japanese government of Communists developed a wide range of actions devoted to, for instance, extensively ideological mobilization, rousing the enthusiasm of especially the poor, and prudent approach to problems and trifling situations that were likely to come up. Due to their respectable efforts, not only did the movement play a crucial role in redeeming land property that had been sold during the harsh time, but also the actual strength of the military base was enhanced incredibly, which provided a foothold for the future victory of the Anti-Japanese war.
作者 徐畅
出处 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期156-172,共17页 Researches in Chinese Economic History
关键词 鲁西冀南 灾荒 土地 回赎 West Shandong and South Hebei Famine Land Redemption
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