
考虑公平关切下的天然气定价决策分析 被引量:2

Analysis on Natural Gas Pricing Decision Concerned with Equality
摘要 在中国未来天然气行业即将迎来全面市场化定价机制改变的背景下,研究上游生产商和下游配气商具有公平关切的条件下,以博弈论为基本原理和方法指导,建立囊括天然气销售上中下游完全供应链的stackelberg博弈模型,用逆推法求解。突破了现有天然气定价决策研究以定性为主,缺乏定量模型支持的局面,提出了贴近市场的天然气定价理论模型。研究结果表明:未来天然气价格市场化竞争中,在考虑公平关切条件下上游生产商会降低生产价格,配气商在保持配气价格稳定的同时会获得更多的利润。 Under the background that China's future natural gas industry will soon face an overall change of market-oriented pricing mechanism, the paper, considering both the upstream producer and downstream distributor put concern to equality and taking game theory as the basic principle and method, establishes a Stackelberg Game Model covering total supply chain of natural gas at the upstream, midstream and downstream and tries to find out a pricing decision making method with a backward induction method.It breaks the qualitative study of current natural gas pricing decision and the lack of support of quantitative model but puts forward a theoretical natural gas pricing model close to the market. Study results show that in future market-based competition of natural gas price, the upstream producer will lower the production price when considering concern to equality and the distributor will gain more profits while maintaining the stability of gas distribution price.
出处 《天然气技术与经济》 2017年第2期78-80,共3页 Natural Gas Technology and Economy
关键词 天然气价格改革 STACKELBERG博弈 公平关切 供应链 Natural gas price reform Stackelberg Game concern to equality supply chain
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