Holographic Theory is the basic theory abstracted and refined from holographic phenomenon. Holographic phenomenon refers to the phenomenon that any part of the whole or any subsystem of the parent system contains all the information of the whole or the parent system. The theory of holography has been applied in sociology and pedagogy. The putting forward of key competences has proposed new challenges to the classroom teaching. From the point of view of holographic epistemology, the key competences are the basic holographic units of human 爷 s comprehensive competences, which means that the holographic units of the com-petences can be structurally copied to any part or structure of education. Classroom teaching is the last step of the implementation of the key competences. Therefore, based on the characteristics of holographic epistemology of the key competences, the construction of the holographic classroom is an effective strategy to implement the key competences. Holographic classroom, based on the three basic principles of structure, de-velopment and recapitulation, can be constructed according to the following eight strategies: thinking as the basis, knowledge as the foundation, transferring as the method, practice-based strategy, competences as the core, wisdom as the center and focus, wholistic construction and holographic development. The paper also proposed the construction of holographic classroom evaluation design according to the holographic classroom principles and strategies to evaluate implementation effect of the holographic classroom.
YANG Zhi-cheng(Bejing Institute f Education, Bejing 100120,China)
Journal of Beijing Institute of Education
key competences
holographic theory
holographic units
holographic classroom
holographic pedagogy
teaching strategies