

Initiation and Continuation:Cao Pi and Liu Xie's Studies on Seven Talented Writers of Jian'an Period
摘要 建安七子是曹丕、刘勰共同的研究对象,前者是此研究的开拓者和权威,后者继承了前者的观点,并多处引用或复述前者对七子的评论。二人均将文体作为研究七子的切入点,并强调文气对文人和文章的重要作用。刘勰对七子的讨论较曹丕深入和详尽,并对曹丕的观点有丰富且重要的例证和补充,二人的研究也因此呈现出明显的互文特征,其研究多有相互印证之处。刘勰的建安七子研究不但是对曹丕的承续,更是对自身"弥纶群言"之志的明证。 Cao Pi is an initiator and authority of the study on Seven Talented Writers of Jian’ an Period, and his DianLun LunWen could be considered as a special treatise on these seven writers. Liu Xie also treats them seriously in his masterpiece Wenxin DiaoZong, in which he accepts and carries on the viewpoints expressed by Cao and frequently quotes and paraphrases the latter’ s comments on these seven writers. Coinci-dently, both Cao and Liu choose literary forms as the point of breakthrough in their studies, and emphasize the importance of qi to writers and their works. However, a major difference lies between them is that Liu does more than Cao in both depth and comprehensiveness, and he provides bountiful and important example illustrations and additions to Cao’ s comments and viewpoints. Generally speaking, there is something called intertextuality between their studies, which in fact makes them support and prove each other. Liu himself wishes to comment systematically numerous works, thus considers Cao’s DianZun Lunwen intact but not com-prehensive enough, in these respects, his study on the seven writers serves not only as a continuation to Cao but a manifestation of his own ambition.
作者 胡根法 HU Gen-fa(Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《北京教育学院学报》 2017年第2期63-71,共9页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Education
关键词 曹丕 刘勰 建安七子 《文心雕龙》 《典论·论文》 Cao Pi Liu Xie Seven Talented Writers of Jian’an Period Wenxin DiaoZong DianZun Lunwen
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