

The Change of Ci Xi's Diplomatic Thoughts
摘要 慈禧的对外思想一直被刻印着"妥协投降"的标记,其实她的对外思想经历了一个发展变化的过程。慈禧时代的对外思想,以光绪登基、《马关条约》签订为界,可以分为三个阶段。在同治皇帝执政时期,她力排众议加强"塞防""海防",果断出兵驱赶入侵者,捍卫国家的领土主权。她有着"保藩固边"的思想,希望严防门户。但是随着甲午战争的失败,清王朝门户大开,慈禧的外交思想发生了重大转折,老年的暮气遮掩了中青年时的锐意,边政废弛、战败割地求和、卖国求荣成为其主导思想。 The diplomatic thoughts of the Empress Dowager Ci Xi has been engraved the mark of surrender. In fact, her diplomatic thoughts experienced a process of development and change. She has a strong modern consciousness of sovereignty and territoriality before her fifty, and has a fierce struggle for the interests of the state in her control period.There are three stages of her diplomatic thoughts according to the important events: Emperor Guangxu reign, and the conclude and sign of the Treaty of Maguan. In TongZhi emperor ages, she strengthened land edge defense and coastal defense against all the odds, and she was decisive to drive the invaders to defend objectively the country's territorial sovereignty. She has the thoughts of defending the little nation which was the neighbor of China for hoping to hold the Qing Dynasty' s territory. But with the failure of the SinoJapanese War, the door of Qing Dynasty was opened, and Ci Xi’s diplomatic thoughts were great changed, that was the elderly lethargy obscured the youth forge. With the border’ s break-downs, it was her main diplomatic thoughts that the national defeat leads to ceding territory and asking for peace, and seeking after glory by selling out her own country.
作者 张云筝 田冰 ZHANG Yun-zheng TIAN Bin g(School of Political Education, Bejing Information Science and Technology University, Bejing 100192, China Institute of History and Archaeology, Henan Academy of Social Sciences, Zhengzhou Henan 450002, China)
出处 《北京教育学院学报》 2017年第2期78-84,共7页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Education
基金 国家社会科学基金"中国与西方国际关系理论与实践比较研究"(14BSS028)
关键词 慈禧 对外思想 “保藩固边” 《马关条约》 Ci Xi diplomatic thoughts Treaty of Maguan
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