
基于总线负载的自适应频率调节系统 被引量:2

Adaptive Frequency Scaling System Based on Bus Load
摘要 系统总线是片上系统中承载IP通信的模块,现有研究多通过静态预设的方法使总线频率在满足最高性能的需求下保持不变,造成性能浪费。针对该问题,提出一种动态功耗管理策略,实现自适应频率调节系统。通过监测总线主设备的负载状态,根据程序运行的历史结果预测下一时间段的总线负载需求,并对预测结果自适应配置最佳总线频率,从而在达到性能要求的前提下保持最小功耗。该策略能够快速建立稳定的频率调节模式,具有较好的稳定性和可靠性。实验结果表明,该策略相比静态管理策略可使总线功耗降低45.6%~50.7%。 The system bus is the module of IP communication in System on Chip( So C). Existing researches are usually static methods,which maintain the highest frequency in need according to the demands of performance,thus resulting in much power consumption. In this paper,a kind of dynamic power consumption management strategy is proposed,and an adaptive frequency scaling system is realized. By monitoring the bus masters' load status,the bus load status in next timeslot is predicted on the basis of historical results of program running. Then according to the predicted bus load status,the optimal bus frequency is optimized. Thus,the power consumption is the minimum value when meeting the demand of performance. This strategy can quickly establish the stable frequency scaling mode,therefore it has good stability and reliability. Experimental results showthat,compared with original static management strategy,the proposed strategy reduces the bus power consumption by 45. 6% - 50. 7%.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期52-59,共8页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划项目"CMC系列芯片的设计 开发与制造"(2012AA041701)
关键词 动态预测 总线频率管理 片上系统 低功耗 动态频率调节 dynamic prediction bus frequency management System on Chip(So C) lowpower consumption Dynamic Frequency Scaling(DFS)
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