
婺源、香港、南昌三地靛冠噪鹛育幼行为观察 被引量:2

Observation of Blue-Crowned Laughingthrush Nestling Behaviors in Wuyuan,Hong Kong and Nanchang
摘要 2015~2016年的繁殖季,分别对婺源曹门小学、香港海洋公园、南昌动物园3地7个靛冠噪鹛巢的育幼行为进行观察,记录递食、看护、空巢、帮助、干扰等5种行为,进而推算各巢中每只雏鸟获得递食的频率,并根据成鸟育雏期和孵化期的采食量变化推算每只雏鸟的采食量。结果显示,3地7巢的各行为频率为:递食11.00~28.75次/h、看护8.25~48.00次/h、空巢0~30.25次/h、帮助1.25~32.50次/h、干扰0~6.75次/h;3地7巢中平均每1只雏鸟获得递食的频率为4.99~14.50次/h;南昌动物园的3巢中平均每1只雏鸟获得的采食量为5.32~9.50 g/d。圈养环境中的同一繁殖群体内,当成鸟数越少且雏鸟数越多,每1只成鸟的育幼投入就越大;反之,每1只成鸟的育幼投入就越小。但是当雄多雌少性别比例失衡时,就可能出现具有竞争性和排他性的"干扰"行为;根据递食频率和采食量推测靛冠噪鹛育幼时的喂食效率并不高,因此,群体的合作繁殖能够成为以喂食数量弥补喂食质量的有效途径。在雄多雌少的圈养情况下,为了满足靛冠噪鹛营合作繁殖的自然习性,并兼顾到动物园种群管理的目标要求,将1雄1雌的成鸟和若干较年轻尚不能独立繁殖的子代亚成鸟合群组成1个合作繁殖单位,可能是实现"单配群养"的恰当之选。 During the breeding seasons from 2015 to 2016, we studied seven blue - crowned laughingthrush nests at three sites--Caomen Primary School, Wuyuan; Ocean Park, Hong Kong;and Nanchang Zoo. We observed adult nestling behavior, counted and analyzed behavioral rhythms, calculated the feeding frequency for 1 chick and estimated the feed intake of 1 chick. Birds in the seven different nests displayed feeding behaviors 11.00 to 28.75 times per hour, cared for young 8. 25 to 48. 00 times per hour, were absent 0 to 30.25 times per hour, helped young 1.25 to 32.50 times per hour, and interfered 0 to 6. 75 times per hour. The frequency of a- dults feeding young was 4. 99 to 14. 50 times per hour. In three nests at Nanchang Zoo, the feed intake of each chick was 5.32 to 9.50 grams per day. In captivity, and in the same breeding group, higher numbers of nestlings and fewer adult birds resulted in more rearing investment from each adult bird. In contrast, each adult bird made less contribution to the nest. When the ratio balance of females to males was altered there was increased frequency of competition and agonistic interaction. The data of the rhythm of feeding and quantity of feeding intake showed that the effi- ciency of feeding was not high. Thus there is cooperative breeding for blue - crowned laughingth- rushes. In the condition with more males and less females such as occurred at Nanchang Zoo, breeding groups consisting of 1 male, 1 female and several young are best suited to the coopera- tive feeding habits and the standard of population management in zoos.
出处 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2017年第2期249-253,共5页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE
基金 香港观鸟会中国自然保育基金2015~2016年度资助项目 香港海洋公园保育基金2016~2017年度资助项目
关键词 靛冠噪鹛 育幼行为 采食量 合作繁殖 Blue - crowned laughingth- rush Nestling behavior Feed intake Cooperative breeding
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