目的探索卵巢静脉追踪结合多平面重组方法在CT识别卵巢中的应用价值。方法搜集行腹盆部CT增强扫描、随后进行手术并取得病理结果的女性盆腔肿物患者234例。两位放射科医师在CT静脉期图像上观察卵巢静脉的显影情况,将逐层连续显示的卵巢静脉视为显影良好。采用卵巢静脉追踪结合多平面重组方法识别卵巢。以手术及病理结果为金标准,计算该方法识别正常卵巢的敏感性、特异性、准确性。结果被观察病例234例,其中单侧附件切除术后3例,共465侧卵巢静脉中,显影良好459侧,卵巢静脉显影良好率98.7%。245侧正常卵巢中,CT识别正确224侧,220侧非正常卵巢中,CT识别正确215侧。采用卵巢静脉追踪结合MPR的方法,CT识别正常卵巢的敏感性、特异性、准确性分别为91.4%、97.7%、94.4%。结论 CT静脉期能够很好地显示卵巢静脉。采用卵巢静脉追踪结合多平面重组方法在CT上识别卵巢的准确性很高。这种方法在实际工作中有很大的应用价值,值得推广。
Objective To explore the value of ovarian vein tracing combined with MPR in the recognition of the ovaries with CT. Methods Female patients with pelvic masses who had undergone both contrast-enhanced CT examination and subsequent surgeries in our hospital between Sep. 2014 to Aug. 2015 were collected. A total of 234 cases were included. All the CT diagnoses were confirmed by surgery and pathologic results. CT and MPR images were analyzed by two radiologists before surgery. The displays of ovarian veins on CT venous phase images were assessed. Ovaries were identified by tracing ovarian vein on CT continuing images and MPR images. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy of recognition of normal ovaries through this method was calculated. Results Total 465 ovarian veins were assessed in 234 cases including 3 patients with unilateral adnexeetomy. 98.7 percent of ovarian veins were well displayed on CT venous phase images. 224 normal ovaries and 215 abnormal ovaries were identified from 245 normal ovaries and 220 abnormal ovaries. Through ovarian vein tracing combined with MPR, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of recognition of normal ovaries was 91.4% , 97.7% , and 94.4% , respectively. Conclusion Ovarian veins can be well displayed on CT venous phase images. The method of ovarian vein tracing combined with MPR helps to recognize ovaries on CT, having great application value in clinical practice.
Journal of Clinical Radiology