In this work we address the numerical solution of large scale fluid-structure interaction problems when nonconforming grids and/or nonconforming finite elements discretizations are used at the interface separating the fluid and structure physical domains. To deal with nonconforming fluid-structure discretizations we use the INTERNODES method (INTER- polation for NOnconforming DEcompositionS) formerly introduced in [6] for the solution of elliptic PDEs on nonconforming domain decomposition. To cope with the high com- putational complexity of the three dimensional FSI problem obtained after spatial and temporal discretization, we use the block parallel preconditioner FaCSI [7]. A numerical investigation of the accuracy properties of INTERNODES applied to the nonconforming FSI problem is carried out for the simulation of the pressure wave propagation in a straight elastic cylinder. Finally, we study the scalability performance of the FaCSI precondition- er in the nonconforming case by solving a large-scale nonconforming FSI problem in a patient-specific arterial bypass.
In this work we address the numerical solution of large scale fluid-structure interaction problems when nonconforming grids and/or nonconforming finite elements discretizations are used at the interface separating the fluid and structure physical domains. To deal with nonconforming fluid-structure discretizations we use the INTERNODES method (INTER- polation for NOnconforming DEcompositionS) formerly introduced in [6] for the solution of elliptic PDEs on nonconforming domain decomposition. To cope with the high com- putational complexity of the three dimensional FSI problem obtained after spatial and temporal discretization, we use the block parallel preconditioner FaCSI [7]. A numerical investigation of the accuracy properties of INTERNODES applied to the nonconforming FSI problem is carried out for the simulation of the pressure wave propagation in a straight elastic cylinder. Finally, we study the scalability performance of the FaCSI precondition- er in the nonconforming case by solving a large-scale nonconforming FSI problem in a patient-specific arterial bypass.