
免费婚前医学检查新形势下婚检模式的探讨 被引量:4

Exploration on Premarital Examination Mode under the New Situation of Free Premarital Medical Examination
摘要 目的分析我院近9年的免费婚检情况,观察现行免费婚检的可行性,找出存在的问题,提出干预措施,探讨新形势下的婚检制度新模式。方法根据妇幼卫生工作报表中的婚检年度报表,分别选取2008~2016年于我院进行免费婚检的800、946、1 707、3 678、3 687、4 371、4 926、4 590、3 783人作为研究对象,统计分析其婚检资料。结果 2008~2016年的免费婚检率分别为6.68%、6.67%、14.41%、27.78%、27.89%、35.47%、35.18%、35.38%、29.04%。结论 2013年前,我院婚检率明显上升,但之后呈现缓慢下降趋势,说明在新形势下需调整免费婚检策略,提高婚检率,减少出生缺陷,提高出生人口素质。 Objective To analyze the free premarital medical examination in recent nine years, to explore the new mode of premarital examination system by observing the feasibility of the current free premarital medical examination, finding out the existing problems and putting forward intervention measures. Methods According to the premarital examination annual report of maternal and child health work statement report, 800, 946, 1 707, 3 678, 3 687, 4 371, 4 926, 4 590 and 3 783 people receiving free premarital medical examination in our hospital fi:om 2008 to 2016 respectively were selected as the research objects, then their data of check-ups were analyzed. Results The flee premarital medical examination rates from 2008 to 2016 were 6.68%, 6.67%, 14.41%, 27.78%, 27.89%, 35.47%, 35.18%, 35.38% and 29.04% respectively. Conclusions Before 2013, the premarital medical examination rate in our hospital increases significantly, but then declines slowly. It shows that the strategy for free premarital medical examination should be adjusted under the new situation, so as to improve the premarital medical examination rate, reduce the incidence of birth defects and improve the quality of birth population.
作者 梁晓莹
出处 《临床医学工程》 2017年第5期729-730,共2页 Clinical Medicine & Engineering
基金 广州市荔湾区科技计划项目"依托妇幼健康教育提升荔湾区母婴安康水平的研究"(项目编号:20151517125)
关键词 免费婚检 出生人口素质 Free premarital medical examination Quality of birth population
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