It is a basic method of Das Kapital and the materialization and scientific demonstration of the general thinking principle of dialectics to rise from abstract to concrete,which reflects Marx' s unique way of grasping the dialectics.It treats the mature and typical concrete object as organisms in the same growth stage with stable nature and then adopts the experimental scientific way to set the strict conditions of scientifically understanding activities,It obtains general regulation through the analysis of the typical case,so general and specific and individual cases are directly unified.The primary theme of Das Kapital is the 'critique of political economics',which is the critique of the metaphysical thinking methods implied in the past political economics and the critique of their value standpoint with the end result of the critique of the capitalist ideology or derived Utopian socialism.The revelation of the law of movement of the capitalist production is the task and requirement subordinate to theoretical criticism.The last part in the principle part is the concentrated explication of the primary theme on the basis of scientific understanding and it is completely consistent with the conclusion of the theoretical criticism,i.e.,the part of the theoretical history.It cannot be seen as reflection of the 'integrity' of the objective logic of the objective object.
Contemporary Economic Research