
基于动态能力视角的并购式内创业机理研究 被引量:4

An analysis of M&A intrapreneurship mechanism based on dynamic capability
摘要 近年来,公司创业逐渐成为创业研究的焦点之一,公司内创业作为公司创业的一个研究分支受到了众多学者的关注。本文基于亚泰集团的案例研究,深入探讨并购式内创业中高层管理支持、政策与环境、新业务自主程度等因素对并购式内创业过程的影响,以期从动态能力视角构建了一个并购式内创业中新业务转变为主营业务的路径模型。结果表明,从动态能力视角来看,高层管理支持、新业务自主程度以及新旧业务相似度对资源可获得性有正向影响,且受政策与环境的调节;政策与环境影响动态外部协调能力,动态信息利用能力对其起到调节作用;高层管理支持、新旧业务相似度、新业务自主程度及资源可获取性影响动态资源获取能力及内部整合能力。最后,对结果进行了讨论,并指出了本研究的局限性以及将来可能的研究方向。 In recent years, corporate entrepreneurship has increasingly become a research focus in the entrepreneurship research field and intrapreneurship is a research branch of corporate entrepreneurship, which attracts plenty of attention of researchers. Based on a case study of Yatai Group, we discuss the impact of top manager support, policy and environment, and new business autonomy on the acquisition intrapreneurship process. As a result, we build a path model including new business into main busi- ness in the acquisition intrapreneurship process from the dynamic capability perspective. The results show that, there are positive effects of top manager support, new business autonomy and similarity between new and old business on resource availability based on the dynamic capability perspective, which can be moderated by policy and environment. In addition, external coordination a- bility is influenced by policy and environment, and dynamic information using ability moderates this relationship. Furthermore, dynamic resource obtaining capability and internal integration capability are affected by top manager support, similarity between new and old business, new business autonomy, and resource availability. In the end, we discuss the result and point out its limi- tation, which is also possible direction of future research.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期56-63,共8页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目<即兴行为 创业学习对企业能力层级体系影响机理研究> (编号:71672072) 国家自然科学基金重点项目群项目<中国转型经济背景下企业创业机会与资源开发行为研究> (编号:71232011) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目<新创企业资源拼凑与机会开发行为研究:前因 轨迹及结果> (编号:15YJA630046)
关键词 动态能力 公司创业 并购式内创业 新业务转变 dynamic capability corporate entrepreneurship M&A intrapreneurship new business transformation
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