The salt bath quenching process of 18Cr2Ni4W steel after carburizing was studied. The effects of property were obtained through analysis retained austenite and hardness. In the given temperature range, the results show that the retained austenite and core hardness will increase with the increasing austenitizing temperature, face hardness will decrease with the increasing austenitizing temperature. The retained austenite will increase with the increasing salt bath temperature, face and core hardness will decrease with the increasing salt bath temperature. The retained austenite will decrease with the increasing air cooling final temperature, the face hardness will increase with the increasing air cooling final temperature. The test show that we can obtain the best comprehensive performance by choosing austenitizing temperature of 810 ℃, the salt bath temperature of 160 %, water content of lwt% and air cooling final temperature of 100 ℃.
Heat Treatment of Metals