

Discussion on Qi Baishi's “Xue Pan Body”
摘要 "薛蟠体"指效仿、模拟《红楼梦》中人物薛蟠诗风而创作的诗体,是一种戏谐、滑稽、俚俗、粗陋,乃至低俗、庸鄙的写作方式。王闿运不甚看重齐白石早年的诗,谑评为"薛蟠体",这与他本人的诗风、诗学观及身世、学养、性情与齐白石存在着较大的代沟与差异不无联系。齐白石的诗不可谓之"薛蟠体",原因在于:其一,"薛蟠体"的作者敢于直截了当地胡说,其身份往往非同凡响,诗中充满了呆霸之气,而齐白石的诗源于生活,多写农事,反映的是失意文人特有的蔬笋气;其二,薛蟠体的诗歌低俗粗鄙,充满铜臭气、脂粉气与世俗气,而齐白石的诗俗中蕴雅,恣肆却不粗豪,体现了一股文人画士特有的孤傲之气。 "Xue pan body" refers to emulating and simulating Xue Pan characters whose in a dream of Red mansions and the creation of poetry, which is a kind of harmonics, funny, rude, and even vulgar, commonplace vulgar way of writing. Wang Kaiyun doesn't praise highly on Qi Baishi's early poems, evaluating "Xue pan body" with sportive tone. It is concerned with his view of po- etry, poetics and the life, culture, temperament and Qi Baishi's great generation gapand differences. Qi Baishi's poems can't be called "Xue pan body", on the one hand, the author of "Xue pan body" dared to straight to nonsense, its identity is often extraordi- nary. His poems are full of dullness and proudness, but Qi Baishi's poems are originated from life, and mainly about farming, which reflect frustrated scholar's unique of vegetable shoots feeling; on the other hand, Xue pan body's poetry is vulgar,coarse and full of the stink of money, cosmetics and secular,but Qi Baishi's poetry is commonplace, elegant, unrestrained but not forthright, and it re- flects a lonely and proud spirit, which is only be seen in writers and painters.
作者 王友胜 WANG Yousheng(College of Humanities and Communication, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, Hunan 411201)
出处 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期82-87,共6页 Research of Chinese Literature
关键词 齐白石 王阎运 薛蟠体 Qi Baishi Wang Kaiyun Xue Pan body
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