为了促进海南岛滨海原生植物马鞍藤(Ipomoea pescaprae)的人工繁育,选取马鞍藤截取长度一致、茎节数分别为1~3个的匍匐茎为研究对象,采取浅埋(2cm)、半埋(5cm)、全埋(10cm)、深埋(20cm)4种不同的沙埋深度处理30d,分析其存活率、根长及叶长变化。结果表明:半埋(5cm)的匍匐茎存活率最高,2cm的浅埋存活率其次,当沙埋深度达到20cm的深埋时匍匐茎全部死亡。比较不同茎节数发现,3个茎节数的匍匐茎在2~10cm的沙埋深度下存活率和生长势均高于1茎节和2茎节的匍匐茎。
Ipornoea pescaprae growth on the sandy coast of Hainan, in order to promote artificial breeding of Ipomoea pescaprae, taking trimmed the creeping stems of equal length as materials, which has 1 ~3 inter- nodes,respectively. The four levels of sand burial treatments were set up: light sand burial(2 cm),half sand burial(5 cm),all sand burial(10 cm),severe sand burial(20 cm) ,the survival rate,leaf length and adventitious root length were analyzed after 30 days of the treatment. The results showed that the percentage of creeping stems survival rate was the highest at depth of 5 cm,and it decreased at depth of 2 era. The creeping stems all died when the depth increased to 20 cm. The creeping stems which have 3 stem nodes had the highest survival rate than the other which have 1 or 2 stem nodes at burial depth of 2~10 cm.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences
sand burial
Ipomoea pescaprae
creeping stems