
从STEM的变式透视技术教育价值取向的转变及回归 被引量:22

Rethinking the Transformation and Return of Value Orientation of Technology Education Based on the Variant of STEM
摘要 技术在社会发展进程中的重要作用,使得技术教育的价值取向逐渐转向技术实用主义,以STEM为代表的技术教育实践取向的课程模式,在全球获得普遍推广。追寻STEM的缘起及其变式发展,从形态上来看,技术渗透其他学科或领域的趋势明显,跨学科、跨领域的融合式课程成为技术教育发展的主流。而从内涵来看,由STS源起的STEM未来发展,依据社会实践、教育需求与技术知识框架,技术教育研究的理念与方法需回溯至对科学、技术与社会及其关系的更深刻认识,即强调科技与社会、科技与人文、人与自然、物质与精神的和谐发展,借助工具理性与价值理性的辩证逻辑,在技术与技术教育的"实然"与"应然"间寻求平衡的进路,辩明技术教育未来发展方向。 Technology plays an important role in the development of society, which makes the value orientation of technology gradually turn to pragmatism. STEM, as one form of technology education curriculum models, gains high focus in the world. In the process of pursuing the origin and development of STEM, from the perspective of morphology, the trend of permeation of technology towards other disciplines and inter-discipline is obvious. Curriculum integration has been the mainstream for technology education development. From the perspective of connotation, the development of STEM originated from STS should be based on social practice, educational needs and technology knowledge framework. The study on the concepts and methods of technology education should return to deep understanding of science, technology, society and their relationship, which emphasizes the harmonious development of science, technology and society, science, technology and humanities, human and nature, matter and spirit. With the help of dialectical logic of instrumental rationality and value rationality in the process of searching, the balance of "to be" and "ought to be" for technology and technology education, the future development direction of technology education could be found out.
作者 徐金雷 顾建军 Xu Jinlei Gu Jianiun
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期78-85,共8页 Educational Research
基金 江苏省“2011计划”项目“基础教育人才培养模式协同创新”的研究成果
关键词 STS STEM STEAM 技术教育 价值取向 STS, STEM, STEAM, technology education, value orientation
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