
产品也会皱眉头? 产品的“侵略性表情”对消费者的影响 被引量:20

Is “He” frowning on Me? The impact of facial expression on customer attitude
摘要 消费者经常在产品外观设计中看到"表情",这些由企业有意或无意塑造的面孔元素会影响到消费者对产品的态度。当前,关于产品外观表情对消费者态度影响方面的研究仍存在结论不一致、机制不明确和边界不清楚等问题。本研究通过3次分离的实验,验证了对于奢侈程度较高的产品(品牌),侵略性的表情相较友好的表情,更能够获得消费者的青睐;而对于奢侈程度较低的产品(品牌),则恰好相反。同时,不同的产品外观(品牌标识)表情是通过消费者对产品的感知自治程度这一中介变量对消费者态度产生影响。本研究结论为产品外观设计和品牌管理实践提供了有益的建议。 The appearance of the product provides an intuitive way of expressing emotion and value to its customers. Prior researches on anthropomorphism suggested that customers may see human related features in a product. Many researchers focus their attention on the human side of the products, yet few of them have studied the facial expressions in product design. In this research, the researchers discovered that the customers constantly extract facial expressions from products, and use them as cues in product evaluation. The researchers believe that the perceived luxury has a contradictory effect on customers' perception of products with different expressions. In Study 1, the researchers conducted an online experiment which involved 132 participants. The participants read about different descriptions of cars. Then, the researchers presented the participants with pictures of the same car showing different facial expressions. After the participants finished assessing the pictures, they were required to indicate their attitude towards each car design. The result of Study 1 proved that customers prefer friendly face when the product is considered low in perceived luxury. In Study 2, the researchers used similar approaches to examine the impact of level of luxury on customer's attitude towards different facial expressions. But instead of cars, the researchers chose phones as the main body of stimuli design to see whether the result can be applied to a broader context. 160 participants took part in an offline experiment. They were assigned randomly into 2 separate groups and showed descriptions of different levels of luxury. Then, they were required to report their attitude towards phones with different facial expressions. The purpose of Study 3 was to examine the mediation effect of perceived product autonomy. In this study, the researchers used brand logo designs with different facial expressions. The result of this research indicates that product's aggressive expressions can give rise to customer attitude only for products positioned as premium or luxury; while for ordinary brands, aggressive expressions may do more harm than good. This effect is mediated by customer perceive product autonomy. This research is among the first endeavors to reveal the relationslaip between facial personification and customer attitude. It provides both managers and researchers guidelines to manage the facial expressions in product design.
作者 谢志鹏 汪涛
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期680-691,共12页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71532011) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(14JZD017) 国家自然科学科学基金面上项目(71272226)
关键词 产品设计 面部表情 自治程度 感知奢侈程度 社会地位 product design facial expression autonomy perceived luxury social status.
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