加拿大Hawk Ridge铜镍成矿带内铜镍硫化物矿床和矿(化)点均受一套古元古代镁铁-超镁铁质火成堆积岩体控制;该成矿带从北向南已有4个矿床圈定了矿体和资源量,分别为:Faclo7矿床、HA矿床、Gamma矿床、Pio Lake矿床。通过对该成矿带矿床Cu、Ni元素分布特征进行研究,了解了该成矿带内Cu、Ni元素含量的变化规律;结果佐证了岩浆活动带侵入方向和顺序,揭示岩浆源应该分布在该成矿带南部;也表明下一步寻找富矿体应该集中在成矿带南部区域。根据该成矿带矿床Cu/Ni比值特征研究结果,表明该成矿带矿床属于与溢流玄武岩型铜镍矿;并且该带内各矿床为同一岩浆演化过程成矿,但Pio Lake矿床经历了岩浆后期含矿热液叠加作用。
Cu,Ni sulfide deposits and occurrences are controlled by paleoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic igneous cumulates in the Hawk Ridge copper-nickel metallogenic belt, Canada. There are 4 deposits discovered along the belt from the north to the south, including: Faclo7, HA, Gamma, Pio Lake. According to the researches for char-acteristics of Cu,Ni distribution, the regular change of Cu,Ni content in the belt is well understood, which reflects the direction and sequence of magma intrusion and indicates that the magma source should be located in the south part of the belt and the next work for rich ore-bodies should be planted in the south part. According to the resear-ches for the ratio of Cu/Ni, it shows that deposits in the Hawk Ridge belt are belong to deposits of the rift and con-tinental flood basalt associated subtype and all deposits in the belt are formed by the same magma evolution process, but Pio Lake deposit has underwent the late magmatic ore-bearing hydrothermal superposition.
Science Technology and Engineering