
D-二聚体、N-末端B型钠尿肽前体、心肌肌钙蛋白T及降钙素原联合检测对急性主动脉夹层预后判断的分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Prognosis Judgment of Combined Test of D-dimer, N-terminal Probrain Natriuretic Peptide, Cardiac Troponin TcTnT and Procalcitonin on the Acute Aortic Dissection
摘要 目的探讨D-二聚体、N-末端B型钠尿肽前体、心肌肌钙蛋白T及降钙素原对急性主动脉夹层预后的判断价值。方法整群收集2014年12月—2016年6月因胸痛在该院就诊初诊为急性主动脉夹层的患者143例,进一步分为52例研究组(发生死亡)和91例对照组(未发生死亡),对比1研究组和对照组一般资料;2研究组和对照组D-二聚体、N-末端B型钠尿肽前体、心肌肌钙蛋白T及降钙素原水平。结果 1研究组和对照组一般资料(性别、年龄、吸烟史)分别为[(男性49例、女性3例、(54.2±12.6)岁、(8.5±2.1)年]、[(男性82例、女性9例、(53.1±13.4)岁、(9.1±3.6)年],比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2研究组和对照组D-二聚体、N-末端B型钠尿肽前体、心肌肌钙蛋白T及降钙素原分别为[(9.16±2.38)μg/m L、(845.2±263.4)pg/m L、(75.3±6.34)pg/m L、(1.63±0.24)ng/m L;(3.51±1.26)ug/m L、(251.3±156.2)pg/m L、(12.35±5.47)pg/m L、(0.41±0.16)ng/m L],比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 D-二聚体、N-末端B型钠尿肽前体、心肌肌钙蛋白T及降钙素原联合检测对急性主动脉夹层预后判断有较好价值。 Objective To d iscu ss th e prognosis ju d gm en t of comb in ed te s t of D -d ime r , N- te rmin a l p ro b ra in n a tr iu re t ic p e p -t ide, cardiac troponin T cTnT and procalci tonin on the acute aort ic dis section. Methods Group s ele ct ion 143 cases of p a -tients with acute aort ic dis sect ion treated in our hospi tal from December 2014 to June 2016 due to chest pains were col lect-ed and divided into the research group with 52 cases (death) and the control group with 91 cases (no death) , and the general data, D-dimer , N-terminal probrain natr iuret ic pept ide, cardiac troponin T cTnT and procalci tonin levels of the two groups were compared. Results The d ifferences in th e g en e ra l d a ta in c lu d in g g en de r, age and smoking history b etwe en th e re se a rch group and the control group had no stat ist ical signif icance(49 male cases , 3 female cases (54.2±12.6) years old and (8.5土 2.1) and [(82 male cases , 9 female cases , (53.1±13.4) years old, (9.1±3.6)years] had no stat ist ical signif icance(P〉0.05). The differences in the D-dimer, N-terminal probrain natr iuret ic pept ide, cardiac troponin T cTnT and procalci tonin levels be-tween the research group and the control group had stat ist ical s ignif icance [(9.16±2.38)ug/mL, (845.2±263.4)pg/mL, (75.3土 6.34)pg/mL,(1.63±0.24)ng/mL];(3.51±1.26)滋 g /mL,(251.3±156.2)pg/mL,(12.35±5.47)pg/mL, (0.41±0.16)ng/mL](P〈0.05). Con-clusion The value of prognosis ju d gmen t of combined te st of D-dime r , N- te rminal p ro b ra in n a tr iu re t ic p ep t id e , c a rd ia c tro -ponin T cTnT and procalci tonin on the acute aort ic dis sect ion is better .
作者 江承琼
出处 《中外医疗》 2017年第3期51-53,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 指标 急性主动脉夹层 预后 Index Acute ao rt ic d is sec tion Prognosis
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