
多西他赛与顺铂单药化疗同期放疗治疗非手术食管癌的对照研究 被引量:1

Comparative Research on Concurrent Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy of Docetaxel and Cisplatin Single-agent in Treatment for Non-operative Esophageal Cancer
摘要 目的比较多西他赛与顺铂单药化疗同期放疗治疗非手术食管癌的疗效及安全性。方法方便收集2011年1月—2013年2月在该院住院治疗的失去手术治疗机会的原发性食管癌患者70例。根据治疗方法分为顺铂组35例和多西他赛组35例。所有患者均接受相同放疗方案,多西他赛组在放疗同期给予多西他赛治疗;顺铂组患者在放疗同期给予顺铂治疗。比较两组的生存期、近期疗效及不良反应发生情况。结果顺铂组生存时间、1年生存率分别为(20.2±3.2)个月、60.0%,多西他赛组分别为(21.0±4.5)个月、57.1%,两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),多西他赛组的近期有效率为100.0%,明显高于顺铂组的82.9%(P<0.05)。结论多西他赛联合同期放疗对非手术食管癌的有效率较高,毒副作用较轻,值得临床借鉴推广。 Objective To comp are th e cu ra tive effect an d safety of co n cu r ren t radiothe rapy an d chemo th e rap y of doc etax el and cisplat in s in g le -a g e n t in tre a tm en t for n o n -o p e ra t iv e eso p h ag ea l c a n c e r. Methods 70 c a se s of p a tien ts with p rimary esophageal c a n c e r losing th e ope rat iv e tre a tm en t ch a n c e in our h ospi tal from Jan u a ry 2011 to F eb ru a ry 2013 were conve-nient co llec ted and div id ed into two groups with 35 c a se s in e a c h , an d a l l p a t ien ts re ce iv ed th e same radiothe rapy p la n , th e docetaxel group were tre a ted with c isp la t in at th e rad io th e rap y p e r io d , while th e C isp la t in group were tre a ted with c isp la t in at the rad io th e rap y p e r io d, an d th e survival p e r io d, sh o r t - te rm cu ra tive effect an d o c cu r ren c e of s ide effects were compared between th e two g ro u p s. Results The d ifferences in th e survival time an d 1-y e a r survival ra te b etwe en th e Cisplatin group and the d o c etax el group had s ta t is t ic a l sign if ic an ce by com parison [(20.2±3.2)mo nths, 60.0% vs (21.0±4.5)m o nths, 57.1%], (P 〉0.05), an d th e s h o r t - te rm effective ra te in th e doc etax el group was obviously h ig he r th an th a t in th e c isp la t in group, (100.0% vs 82.9%),(P 〈0.05). Conclusion T h e effective ra te of d o c etax el combined with th e radiothe rapy at th e same period is higher, and th e toxic an d s ide effects a re m ild, which is worth c l in ic a l re fe ren ce an d prom otion.
出处 《中外医疗》 2017年第3期129-130,136,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 多西他赛 顺铂 非手术食管癌 Doc etax el C isp la tin N o n -o p e ra t iv e e so ph ag ea l c a n c e r
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