
颌骨囊肿开窗术的围手术期护理 被引量:3

Nursing of Odontogenic Cystic Fenestration during the Perioperative Period
摘要 目的对颌骨囊肿开窗术患者的围术期护理干预进行研究调查。方法在2015年4月—2016年4月间分阶段方便抽选了106例颌骨囊肿患者,采用数字随机分组的方式将患者分为两组,患者入院后均进行开窗术治疗,干预组患者采用综合护理干预,对照组患者采用常规护理干预,对患者护理前后的生活质量、治疗依从性以及护理后并发症发生率进行调查,评估患者护理满意度。结果对照组护理前治疗依从性高的21例,治疗依从性一般的22例,评估有效率为81.1%,干预组治疗依从性高的28例,治疗依从性一般的23例,评估有效率为96.2%。对照组依从性高的19例,依从性一般的14例,依从性差的20例,干预组患者依从性高的29例,依从性一般的19例,依从性差的5例,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论高质量、有效的护理模式能够提升患者的生活质量同时能够降低患者并发症发生率,保证患者手术安全。 Objective To inv es tig ate th e n ursin g in te rv en tio n of p a t ien ts with odontogenic cystic F en e s tra t io n d u r in g th e p e-r ioperative p e r io d . Methods Convenient s ele ct ion 106 cases of p a t ien ts with odontogenic cy s tic lesions tre a ted from April 2015 to Apr il 2016 were sele cted an d randomly div id ed into two groups an d tre a ted with fen e s tra t io n af te r adm is s io n, the intervention group ad o pted th e g en era l n ursin g in te rv en t io n , whi le th e control group ad o pted th e ro u tin e n ursin g in te rv en -t ion , and th e q u a lity of l ife, tre a tm en t com p lianc e before an d af te r tre a tm en t and in c id e n c e ra te of comp lic at io ns af te r n u r s-ing were surv eyed, an d th e n u rs in g satisfactory deg ree of p a t ien ts was e v a lu a te d . Results The tre a tm en t com p lianc e of 21 cases of p a t ien ts was high in th e control gro up, and of 22 cases was g en e ra l and th e ev a lua tion effective ra te was 81.1%, and the tre a tmen t com p lianc e of 28 c a se s was high in th e in te rv en tio n gro up, an d of 23 c a se s was in g en e ra l, and th e ev a lu -at ion effective ra te was 96.2%, an d in th e control group, th e re were 19 cases with high com p l ian c e, 14 cases with g en era l compliance an d 20 c a se s with b ad com p l ian c e, an d in th e in te rv en tio n group, th e re were 29 c a se s with high com p l ia n c e, 19 cases with g en e ra l com p lianc e an d 5 c a se s with b ad com p l ian c e, an d th e d ifferences h ad s ta t is t ic a l s ignif ic ance by com p ar- ison (P 〈0.05). Conclusion T he h ig h -q u a l i ty an d effective n u rs in g model can improve th e q ua lity of life of p a t ien ts an d re -duce th e in c id e n c e ra te of com plicat ions of p a t ie n ts, an d en su re th e o perat ive safety of p a t ie n ts.
出处 《中外医疗》 2017年第3期157-160,共4页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 颌骨囊肿 开窗术 围术期护理 Odontogenic cystic le s io n s F en e s tra t io n Nursing d u r in g th e p e r iop erat iv e period
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