

Clinical Curative Effect and Nursing of Triamcinolone Acetonide in Injection Treatment of Infantile Hemangioma
摘要 目的通过对曲安奈德注射治疗婴幼儿血管瘤的疗效及护理方法进行深入的研究和分析,得出采用曲安奈德对婴幼儿血管瘤进行治疗的效果和作用,并总结得出护理的具体方法。方法随机选取2015年1—12月来该院进行治疗的婴幼儿血管瘤患者80例,并对患者进行曲安奈德注射,对患者进行注射前后的区别分析,并对患者进行相应的专科护理和心理护理,确保护理的合理性。结果 80例患者在接受曲安奈德注射治疗后,患者的治疗满意度和护理满意度提升了27.63%,而且患者在治疗后没有引发相应的并发症。结论曲安奈德注射治疗婴幼儿血管瘤具有十分重要的作用,而且在整个操作的过程中,操作比较简单,疗效也十分让人满意,整个治疗的过程所需要的资金也比手术治疗相对要少很多。在对婴幼儿血管瘤患者进行注射曲安奈德前后,都需要对其进行相应的全面护理,确保患者在注射曲安奈德后能够及时的康复,减少护理相关因素对病情的影响。 Objective To d e eply re se a rch an d analyze th e c l in ic a l cu ra tive effect an d n ursin g of triam c in olon e a c e to n id e in inject ion tre a tmen t of in fan t ile hemangioma in o rd er to summarize th e tre a tm en t effect and fu n ction an d spe cif ic nursin g methods. Methods 80 c a se s of p a t ien ts with in fant ile hemangioma tre a ted in our h ospi tal from Jan u a ry to Dec emb er 2015 were randomly s e le c ted and in je c ted with triam c in olon e a c e to n id e, and the d ifferenc e before and af te r in je c t io n was a n a-lyzed, and th e p a t ien ts were given th e co rrespo n ding sp e c ia l n ursin g and m en ta l n u rs in g , an d th e ra tio n ali ty of n ursin g was ensured . Results After in je c t io n , th e tre a tm en t satisfactory deg ree an d n ursin g satisfactory deg ree of 80 cases of p a t ien ts in -creased by 27.63% and th e re was no com p l ic a t io n s. Conclusion T he effect of triam c in olon e ac e to n id e in in je ct ion tre a tm en t of infant ile hemangioma is v i ta l, an d in th e whole ope rat io n c o u rs e, th e o p e rat io n is e a sy , an d th e cu ra tive effect is very s a t-is factory, and th e fu n d n e e d e d is f a r less th an th a t of th e ope rat iv e tre a tm en t, an d we n e ed to c a rry out th e co rrespo n ding general n u rs in g before an d af te r th e triam c in olon e a c e to n id e in in je ct ion tre a tm en t of in fa n t i le h eman g ioma, en su re th e t im e-ly recovery of p a t ien ts an d re d u c e th e effect of n ursin g re la ted fa ctors on d ise a s e co n d i t io n .
作者 王春雷
出处 《中外医疗》 2017年第3期167-169,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 曲安奈德 婴幼儿 血管瘤 临床疗效:护理 Triamcino lo ne a c e to n id e In fa n t Hemangioma C linic al cu ra t iv e ef fect Nursing
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