
孕期体重管理对控制足月新生儿体重及妊娠结局的影响 被引量:12

Effect of Weight Management in Pregnancy on Controlling the Full-term Newborn Weight and Pregnancy Outcome
摘要 目的探讨孕期体重管理对足月新生儿体重及其妊娠结局的积极作用。方法方便选取该院妇产科2015年1月—2016年1月期间收治的162例足月孕产妇依据孕期护理方式差异分为观察级及对照组,其中80例孕期仅予以常规产前管理护理,设为对照组,其余82例孕期在对照组护理基础上行个体化体重管理,设为观察组,对比两组孕期增重与分娩方式、新生儿及母体孕期并发症等情况。结果观察组孕期增重明显不及对照组孕期高(P<0.05);观察组巨大儿、新生儿窒息、阴道分娩的发生率分别为7.32%、3.66%与95.12%,对照组此3项分别为20.00%、12.50%与83.75%,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组研究对象产后大出血、产程阻滞、妊娠糖尿病以及妊娠高血压等相关并发症发生率均明显性低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论必须高度重视妊娠期营养问题,临床加强孕产妇孕期体重管理,不仅有利于控制新生儿及母体体重,而且也有利于改善妊娠结局与降低并发症的发生率。 Objective To s tudy th e positive effect of weight man ag emen t in p reg n an cy on controll ing th e fu l l - te rm newborn weight an d p reg n an cy o utcom e. Methods C onvenient s ele ct ion 162 c a se s of p a t ien ts fu l l - te rm d elive ry women adm it ted and treated in our h ospi tal from Jan u a ry 2015 to Jan u a ry 2016 were d iv id ed into two groups ac co rd in g to th e n ursin g metho d, the control group (80 c a se s) ad o pted th e ro u tin e man ag emen t nursin g before giving b ir th , an d th e observa tion group (82 c a s-es) adopted th e in d iv id u a l weight man ag emen t on th e bas is of th e control group, an d th e weight g a in , delive ry metho d, com-plicat ions of th e two groups were com p a re d . Results T he weight gain in preg n an cy in th e observa tion group was h ig he r th an that in th e control g ro up( P 〈0.05), an d th e d ifferences in th e in c id e n c e ra te of gian t b ab y, asphyxia neonatorum and vaginal delivery b etwe en th e observa tion group an d th e co ntrol group h ad s ta t is t ic a l s ignif ic ance (7.32%,3.66%, 95.12% vs 20.00%, 12.50%, 83.75%)(P 〈0.05), an d th e in c id e n c e ra te of com plicat ions such as d iab e te s an d h y p e r ten s io n were obviously lower than those in th e control g ro u p (P 〈0.05). Conclusion We must a t ta ch grea t im p o rtan c e to th e n u tr i t io n is su es in p reg n an cy, in cl inic, en h an c in g th e weight m anagement of delive ry women in p reg n an cy is not only co n du cive to controll ing th e weights of newborns an d mothers b u t also h elp s to improve th e preg n an cy outcome an d re d u c e th e in c id e n c e ra te of com p lic a t io n s.
作者 扈菊英
出处 《中外医疗》 2017年第3期173-176,共4页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 孕期体重管理 足月新生儿 妊娠结局 Weight m anagement in p reg n an cy F u l l - te rm newb orn s P regn an cy outcome
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