
GLCC数值模拟中湍流模型选取研究 被引量:6

Turbulence Model Selection in Numerical Simulation of Gas-liquid Cylindrical Cyclone
摘要 数值模拟是研究深水管柱式气液旋流分离器分离性能的有效方法,其中湍流模型选取是否得当将直接影响数值模拟的准确性。研究比较了Euler模型、Mixture模型及RSM模型3种不同的湍流模型对深水管柱式旋流分离器内流场数值模拟结果的影响。对比了3种湍流模型的切向速度与轴向速度场分布,发现3种模型均能较好地模拟出分离器内两相流的运动规律。将模拟结果同试验测量的油气分离效率以及进、出口处压降进行对比。结果表明:Euler模型和Mixture模型在压降、分离效率方面与试验测量结果相比存在一定误差,而RSM模型模拟的流场更接近于试验测量结果。进行管柱式气液旋流分离器流场数值模拟分析时,采用RSM模型模拟更为可靠。 Numerical simulation is an effective method to study the separation performance of deep-water gas- liquid cylindrical cyclone. The selection of turbulence model will directly affect the accuracy of numerical simula-tion. The effects of three different turbulence models on the numerical simulation of flow field in a deep-water gas- liquid cylindrical cyclone have been compared. The tangential velocity and the axial velocity field distributions of the Euler model, the Mixture model and the RSM turbulence model have been compared. The results show that the three models can well simulate the two-phase flow in the separator. The comparison of the simulated results with the measured oil and gas separation efficiency and the pressure drop at the inlet and outlet shows that, there are some errors between the experimental results and simulated values of the pressure drop and separation efficiency of the Euler model and the Mixture model. The flow field simulated by the R S M model is closer to the experimental re-sults. The RSM model is more reliable in the numerical simulation of the flow field of the gas-liquid cylindrical cy-clone separator.
出处 《石油机械》 2017年第3期85-89,共5页 China Petroleum Machinery
基金 "十二五"国家科技重大专项"深水流动安全保障与水合物风险控制技术"(2011ZX05026-004) "十三五"国家科技重大专项"深水油气田流动安全保障技术"(2016ZX05028-004)
关键词 管柱式气液旋流分离器 流场 数值模拟 模型选取 RSM模型 gas-liquid cylindrical cyclone flow field numerical simulation model selection R S M model
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