
新市场财政学:旨在增强财政学解释力的新范式 被引量:42

Neo-public Finance: A Paradigm for Enhancing Explanatory and Predictive Power
摘要 "公共财政学"作为当代主流财政理论存在的最为突出的问题就是解释力和预测力严重弱化。"新市场财政学"就是针对当代主流财政理论的这个问题所构建的一个新范式。在论文中,笔者主要是运用规范研究方法,以政府和市场之间的关系作为切入点,深入剖析了当代主流财政理论存在的致命缺陷,阐述了新市场财政学通过重新定义市场模型,重新解释政府(以及以政府为代表的公共部门)、企业(以及以企业为代表的私人部门)和市场之间的关系,进而为重构具有强大解释力和精准预测力的财政学范式开辟了一个全新的研究路径。论文以对我国改革开放以来财政理论建设与发展的历程为线索介绍了新市场财政学范式形成的简要过程,同时从核心概念体系、理论渊源以及理论与实践的关系等三个维度描述了新市场财政学范式的基本特征,初步阐释了探索构建新市场财政学范式的目的是要增强财政科学的解释力和预测力这一财政基础理论研究的宗旨。 The mainstream school of public finance has been badly weakening in the powers of explanation and prediction. So,I am trying to build up a new public finance paradigm named neo-public finance( NPF) theory to deal with those problems. In this paper,I take the relations between government and market as the hitting-point of the mainstream school of public finance and believe that the idea supposed the government is competing with the market in producing and delivering public goods and services based on the theory of market failure is the fatal flaw in the mainstream school of public finance. In this paper,I also redefine the market model and reorganize the relations between the government and the enterprise in the market. I do believe that this new paradigm has been opened up a new channel to build stronger power of the explanation and prediction for the theory of public finance. The paper introduces NPF as a new paradigm, including the reasons why NPF,theoretical sources and foundation of NPF,core concepts and some cases which illustrating the NPF paradigm works very well on explanation and prediction of the fiscal issues and policies.
作者 李俊生
出处 《中央财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期3-11,共9页 Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics
关键词 新市场财政学 主流财政学 解释力预测力 Neo-public finance Mainstream school of public finance Powers of explanation and prediction
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