
基于产业融合理论的舟山游艇旅游产业发展研究 被引量:6

Study on the Development of Yacht Tourism Industry in ZhouShan based on the Theory of Industrial Integration
摘要 游艇旅游产业是一种综合型产业,其发展符合产业融合理论。舟山发展游艇旅游产业具备一系列优势,包括:地理条件优势突出、具有一定的游艇制造与维修的产业基础、游艇旅游资源丰富、旅游经济基础较好、市场前景广阔。但是也有很多问题,包括:尚未形成游艇旅游产业链,民众对游艇旅游业的认知不足,游艇旅游产品单调、营销乏力,经营业务以房地产、酒店为主,游艇旅游业务不强,游艇旅游收费虚高,游艇旅游业管理主体尚未明晰,政策制约发展、游艇旅游人才缺乏。依据产业融合理论,舟山游艇旅游产业可以采取以下几种融合模式:游艇旅游+制造维修、游艇旅游+服务、游艇旅游+酒店、游艇旅游+地产、游艇旅游+文化、游艇旅游+赛事、游艇旅游+销售会展、游艇旅游+体育等。基于以上分析,舟山游艇旅游产业融合发展的主要措施有:制定游艇旅游未来发展的规划,建设游艇旅游产业园区、打造游艇旅游产业链,大力宣传游艇旅游文化、培育游艇旅游市场,充分开发游艇旅游资源、大力创新游艇旅游产品,拓宽营销渠道、大力招商引资,开展大众平价游艇旅游,探索创新游艇旅游业管理体制与政策,培养游艇旅游相关人才。 Yacht tourism industry is a comprehensive industry and its development corresponds the theory of industrial integration. The development of yacht tourism industry in Zhoushan has a series of advantages, including the wonderful geographical condition, the industrial base of a certain yacht manufacturing and maintenance, rich tourism resources of yacht, good economic foundation and broad market prospects. But there are still lots of problems, just like the yacht tourism industry chain has not been formed, people's understanding of the yacht tourism industry is insufficient, yacht tourism products monotonous is monotonous and the marketing is week, the business is mainly based on real estate and hotel, the yacht tourism business is not so strong, yacht tourism fees are unreal- istically high, the main yacht tourism management is not clear yet, policy constraints the development and there is a lack of yacht tourism talent. According to the theory of industry integration, the following integration modes can be applied in the yacht tourism in- dustry of Zhoushan: yacht tourism with manufacturing maintenance, yacht tourism with service, yacht tourism with hotel, yacht tourism with culture, yacht tourism with race, yacht tourism with sales exhibition and yacht tourism with sports. According to the above analy- sis, there are several measures for the integration and development of the yacht tourism industry in Zhoushan as below: plan the future development of yacht tourism, construct the yacht tourism industrial park as well as build the yacht tourism industry chain, vigorously publicize yacht tourism cuhure and cultivate yacht tourism market, fully develop yacht tourism resources and innovate yacht tourism products, broaden marketing channels and attract vigorously investment, carry out public parity of yacht tourism, explore innovative yacht tourism management system and policies and train yacht tourism-related talents.
出处 《江苏商论》 2017年第5期42-46,共5页 Jiangsu Commercial Forum
关键词 产业融合 舟山 游艇旅游 发展 研究 Industrial Integration Zhoushan Yacht tourism Development Research
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