
变螺距诱导轮的气蚀性能研究 被引量:8

Study on cavitation performance of variable-pitch inducer
摘要 为了研究变螺距诱导轮的气蚀性能,通过试验观察了变螺距诱导轮的气蚀发展变化情况,分析了其内部的压力脉动现象。结果表明:诱导轮内的气穴随着入口压力降低,会呈现不同的气穴形态;气穴发展受流量影响,流量越大,气穴发展速度越快;诱导轮内发生了同步旋转气蚀,同步旋转气蚀也受流量影响,流量越大,同步旋转气蚀越强。 In order to study cavitation performance of the variable-pitch inducer, the cavitation development and variation of the variable-pitch inducer were observed, and the pressure pulsation phenomenon in the inducer was investigated. The results show that the different cavitation shapes appear in cavitation in the inducer with inlet pressure decreasing, flow rate has an effect on cavitation development, which means that the cavitation develops faster at higher flow rate, synchronous rotating cavitation appears in the inducer, and the higher the flow rate is, the more serious the synchronous rotating cavitation becomes.
出处 《火箭推进》 CAS 2017年第2期1-8,17,共9页 Journal of Rocket Propulsion
关键词 变螺距诱导轮 气蚀性能 同步旋转气蚀 可视化 variable-pitch inducer cavitation performance synchronous rotating cavitation visualization
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