

The Construction of Harmonious Cultural Ecology:The Inspirations Drawn from Disciplinary Spirit of Ethnology
摘要 当今社会,全球化、一体化与多样化、个性化悖论性并存。民族学有着兼容并蓄的开放态度、文化整体的关怀、文化平等与包容的理解以及观照大写的人、完整的人的学术追求和学科精神,其中内涵着深刻的文化生态意义和重要的方法论价值。当今文化建设实际上是构建一个共生共荣的和谐文化生态,和谐文化生态构建应该是多元一体的、开放包容的、协调有序的、互动发展的。和谐文化生态构建应结合权利与自由、平等、整合以及再生产原则。 In today' s world, globalization coexists paradoxical way. Ethnology is characterized by its with integration, diversification, and individualization in a inclusiveness and openness, its holistic concern for culture and cultural equality as well as its profound concern over man manifested through its academic pursuits and disciplinary spirit. The culture construction in this era is, in effect, the construction of a harmonious cultural ecology advocating coexistence and common prosperity as well as pluralistic, integrated, open, inclusive, coordinated, orderly and interactive development. Thus the construction should be based on the principle of equal right, freedom, integration and reproduction.
作者 向云发
出处 《丽水学院学报》 2017年第3期18-23,共6页 Journal of Lishui University
基金 浙江省教育厅科研计划项目"民族学的学科精神与和谐文化建设研究"(y201225037)
关键词 民族学 学科精神 文化生态 共生共荣 和谐文化生态 ethnologiy discipline cultural ecology coexistence and common prosperity harmonious culturalecology
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