
西湖拥挤舆情的特征及影响分析 被引量:1

Analysis on the Characteristics and Influences of Crowded Public Opinion of the West Lake
摘要 近些年西湖拥挤报道频现,拥挤舆情传播广泛,西湖却依然人满为患。通过网络平台搜集拥挤舆情文本,进行词频、词性、社会网络和情感倾向分析,得出拥挤舆情关注的递进式外扩特征,情感倾向以积极为主,通过问卷结果分析,发现西湖游客量没有明显变化,游客对于拥挤的评价也趋于积极。西湖的拥挤舆情对于游客的旅游目的地选择基本没有负面影响,西湖旅游资源的优势、游客拥挤感知弱、安全感强、区域旅游发展不平衡是造成这种影响结果的原因。 In recent years, the crowded West Lake is reported frequently, crowded public opinion spread widely, but the West Lake is still overcrowding. We had analyzed the word frequency, the part of speech, the social network and the emotional tendencies through the network platform to collect crowded public opinion text, the crowded public opinion we got showing progressive extension features, the emotional tendencies is positive mainly, through the questionnaire results analysis found that the tourists number of the West Lake did not change significantly, tourists' evaluation for the crowded also tends to be positive. The crowded public opinion basically has no negative influence for tourists select the West Lake as the tourist destination, the advantages of the West Lake in the tourism resources, the weak crowded sense and the strong security sense of tourists, the imbalance of regional tourism development, these are the reasons of this influence.
作者 孙凡 杨效忠
出处 《皖西学院学报》 2017年第2期98-103,共6页 Journal of West Anhui University
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"旅游拥挤视角下的世界遗产地空间冲突特征 机制及调控研究"(41471129)
关键词 拥挤舆情 文本分析 特征 影响 crowded public opinion text analysis feature influence
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