The drama is an integral part of Chinese ancient culture, it shows various aspects of ancient life, it has comprehensively presented Chinese ancient social life, history of political and economic development. Since the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, drama has gradually become the social classes of entertainment. Stage as a kind of building form, is more like a culture which shows a substance on the booth, on the stage, using percussion, string and wind instruments, such as interpretation of ancient and modem, Chinese and foreign many well-known theater, whether it is the actor and the audience, all through the stage as a bridge for exchange of each others' activities. Theater is the opera performances, the special places, from the early terraces to the Jin Dynasty and the Yu~,n Dynasty, the stage has begun to generally divided into before and after games. The stage gradually improved, and also marked the maturity of Chinese opera. It can be said that the stage is the material carrier of China ancient culture, modem society is one of the main visible ancient drama cultural relics. According to the different forms of ancient China's stage for the psychological impact of the performer and the audience analysis, we hope it expand China's stage, drama and the research field, so as to diversify and promote its development direction.
Huazhong Architecture
Ancient theater construction, Stage performer, Audience, Psychological effect