本文主要介绍新近的一种预测性和操作性较强的二语习得模型——CASP模式。该模型由Filipovic & Hawkins(2013)提出,由4条准则和5条次准则构成,是对一些人类理性行为的整体描述。CASP模型以一系列准则及次准则间的互动为特色,旨在从宏观层面上阐释二语习得过程中不同结构层次语项特征的动态分布及其发展途径。首先,本文从学习和加工成本投入、结构特征、使用频率、交际效果四方面展开对语项特征的讨论;然后,借助于这四方面关系和"有"和"无"母语迁移现象,全面介绍CASP模型中各准则和次准则内容。依据各准则和次准则的统摄力度,CASP模型阐释了不同结构层次的二语语项特征习得的顺序性问题,同时对长期以来争论较多的"有"和"无"母语迁移问题,也提出了较为合理的解决途径。最后,本文总结了CASP模型的优势及不足,并针对不足提出尝试性的解决方案。我们希望:国内广大外语教学研究者和教师可以批判性地将该模式引入外语教学研究中,丰富外语教学研究的内容。
This paper introduces a new model (referred to as CASP) of second language acquisition. This model, put forward by Filipovic & Hawkins (2013) consists of four general principles and five specific principles, attempting to give an integrative account of human rational behavior. The CASP model, characterized by interactions between general principles and specific principles, aims to illus- trate from a macro perspective dynamic distributions and developments of different grammatical and lexi- cal features in second language acquisition. First, the article starts with an introduction of such defini-tions as learning/processing effort, complexity, frequency and efficiency and their relationship. Sec- ond, based upon this relationship and the discussion about transfer and non - transfer, it outlines the whole picture of CASP model, informed by a broad range of linguistic, second language and psycholin- guistic research. Finally, the advantages and shortcomings inherent in the CASP model are discussed. It is hoped that this model might help solve some traditional puzzles in this field, shedding in a general sense some pedagogical implications to SLA researchers and practitioners.
Foreign Language and Literature Studies