

Brief history of the First Hospital of Harbin City ( 1913—2013 )
摘要 1913年,哈尔滨董事会接收"中东铁路俄国妓女疗养院"后,成立了"哈尔滨市董事会医院",并出资扩建.1926年3月,哈尔滨自治临时委员会将"市董事会第一医院"改名为"公立医院".1926年11月,哈尔滨特别市市政局将"公立医院"改称为"哈尔滨特别市第一医院",进一步投资建设.1931年,日本侵略东北后,控制了"市立医院",也进行了一些建设.1946年,哈尔滨解放后,中国共产党接管了哈尔滨特别市立医院.此后,医院持续发展至今.1946—1949年,哈尔滨市第一医院出动人力、物力、财力支援解放军,成立战勤医疗队,收治伤员.从20世纪30年代开始,哈尔滨市第一医院就参与救治霍乱、鼠疫、猩红热、斑疹伤寒等多种传染病,并赴四川汶川、新疆阿勒泰地区进行医疗援助.从1928年开始,哈尔滨市第一医院就接替滨江医院成为哈尔滨医学专门学校的教学医院,后又成为哈尔滨医科大学的教学医院,为医学生的培养做出了贡献. In 1913, after the Russian Prostitutes Sanatorium of Harbin Eastern Railway was re-ceived by the board of directors, they established the "Harbin City Board Hospital" and funded its expan-sion. In March 1926, the provisional Committee of the Harbin autonomous renamed the"City Board of First Hospital" to "The Public Hospital". In November 1926,"The Public Hospital" was renamed as "Harbin Special Municipal Hospital" by the Harbin City Council and further funds were invested in its construction. In 1931, the Japanese invaded Northeast China, and controlled the"City Hospital". In 1946, when Harbin was liberated, after the Communist' s take-over of the Hospital, it developed sustainedly since then. From 1946—1949, The First Hospital of Harbin City dispatched manpower, material resources, and financial re-sources to support the people' s Liberation Army, establishedthe medical service team, received and treated the wounded. From the 1930s, the Hospital was involved in the treatment of cholera, plague, scarlet fever, typhus and other infectious diseases, and participated in the medical rescue in Wenchuan of Sichuan and Xinjiang Aletai area. From 1928, the Hospital took over from Binjiang Hospital as the Teaching Hospital of Harbin Medical School, and later became the Harbin Medical University Teaching Hospital. It made contri-bution to the training of medical students.
作者 纪焱 李志平
出处 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 2017年第2期87-90,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical History
关键词 哈尔滨市董事会医院 哈尔滨特别市立医院 哈尔滨市第一医院 Harbin City Board Hospital Harbin Special Municipal Hospital First Hospital of Harbin City
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