In Article 30 of Wu shi er bing fang ( Prescriptions for Fifty-two Diseases ) , the "Qu (诎)" in"Shen Shen Er Bu Neng Qu (身信而不能诎)" has an opposite relation with"Shen (信)", that is,"Shen (伸)", and it should be interpreted as "Qu (屈)", that is bend. Thus, in"Shen Shen Er Bu Neng Qu (身信而不能诎)", bodies that appear to have"Shang Jing(伤痉)" ( spasmodic disease) , cau-sing stiffness and unable to flex. In Article 308 of Wu shi er bing fang,"Xi Xi Chu Chu(肸肸诎诎)" and"Xi Xi Chu Chu (嘻嘻出出)" are synonymous. The"Chu (诎)" in"Xi Xi Chu Chu (肸肸诎诎)" is in-terpreted as "出( exit)" while"Xi Xi Chu Chu (肸肸诎诎)" depicts a curse in which an evil fire is sum-moned out of an oven. Therefore, the character"□" in the title of the text"□爛者" should be considered to be the character for "火 ( fire)". Meanwhile, due to the wounds in the battle field, ancient people em-phasized "Heng (胻)". In other words, as the shin is an often site in battle wounds, it explains why"Heng Shang (胻伤)" is added after the title "Heng Liao (胻膫)". Similarly, the "Heng Shang (胻伤)" battle wound, the text of the Mawangdui depicts the running course of Meridian in the lower extremi-ty, while the much used expression of"Ji(系)" is related to captives of war. This association is suggested to have been derived from "the use of leg shackles".
Chinese Journal of Medical History
Wu shi er bing fang(Prescriptions for Fifty-two Diseases)
Chu or Qu(诎)