
中国旅游地理学学术实践的代际差异与学科转型 被引量:12

The cross-generational differences and transformation of the academic practices of tourism geography in China
摘要 以代际关系分析中国旅游地理学正在经历的转型,有助于厘清转型背后的代际动力和转型中出现的问题。依据"同期群效应"理论,将中国旅游地理学研究者划分为开创代、第一代、中间代和新生代,并分析各代学者因学术经历不同而形成的不同学术特征。研究认为,世代之间基于代际差异的学术互动是当前中国旅游地理学出现研究问题转型、学科认知转型、理论认知转型和研究方法转型的重要原因。出现转型前景尚不明朗,转型中出现了引领性问题体系的缺失、学科范畴的迷惘和理论观念的分歧等问题,中国旅游地理学研究者应通力合作建立引领性问题体系,以地理学思维破除学科迷惘,建立具有包容性的理论观。 Analyzing the transformation that tourism geography is undergoing in China from a cross-generational perspective helps to identify the cross-generational impetus behind it and the problems having emerged during the process. Based on the theory of 'cohort effect', the present study categorizes Chinese geographic researchers into the pioneering generation, the first gener- ation, the transitional generation, and the emerging generation; meanwhile, it points out that the pioneering generation researchers established the discipline of tourism geography in China and made tourism geography accepted as a mainstream discipline in Chinese geographical academ- ic community. The first generation researchers are the leaders of the current tourism geography in China, because they established the framework of tourism geography studies in China, advo- cated the regulations and the attention due on the field of research, and encouraged the tourism geography studies in China to develop in a more rational way. The transitional generation and the emerging generation present varied academic characteristics due to different academic expe- riences. Most of the transitional generation scholars have a 'realistic orientation' in their re- searches, but the excellent ones of them can deepen and expand the research area of tourism ge- ography in China. The emerging generation grows up in the academic environment of the em- phasis of research norm, research methodology, research questions and theoretical cognition, has the stronger research norm, literature cognition, methodological cognition and theoretical cognition, and tries to break the framework of tourism geography in China established by the first generation. The cross-generational academic interactions and mutual influence between them are stimulating the transformation of the tourism geography in China on the aspects of re- search focus, disciplinary cognition, theoretical cognition and methodological cognition. The pres- ent study furthers its arguments that the current transformation is still in equivocal prospect, and that problems such as the lack of a system of guiding research questions, the ambiguity of disci- pline boundaries, and the divergence of theoretical beliefs have surfaced during the transformation. The recognitions on these problems of the researchers across all age tiers and their interactions guided by the recognitions will influence the development of this subject. Hence, the present study calls for collaboration across all generations of tourism geography studies to establish a system of guiding research questions, clear the perplexity of discipline boundaries with geo- graphical thinking, and formulate an inclusive outlook on theories.
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期824-836,共13页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41201139 41571137)
关键词 旅游地理学 学科转型 代际差异 同期群效应 中国 tourism geography discipline's transformation cross-generational differences cohort effect China
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