
大数据时代信息隐私的保护问题研究 被引量:40

Discussion on the Problems of Information Privacy Protection in Big Data Age
摘要 大数据时代,个人信息的非法收集和利用以及无处不在的数据监控给公民的信息隐私带来巨大威胁,而传统隐私权法已经跟不上时代发展的潮流。在数据资源的开发与利用成为潮流的今天,必须谨慎地设计信息隐私保护的路径,以期达到信息自由与隐私保护的平衡。信息隐私的保护路径可分为三种:就技术与激励路径而言,无论是到期日设计、电子管家软件,还是限制识别能力的技术,都旨在实现将信息隐私侵权消灭在萌芽状态;就行业自律而言,其既能有效填充法律的空白地带,又能将信息隐私保护具体化、标准化,同时还带来社会"软强制";就权利构建路径而言,信息性隐私权保护在相关立法、执法和司法实践中都必须作出相应调整,以便与大数据时代的信息隐私保护相适应。 In the era of large data, the illegal collection and utilization of personal information and theubiquitous data monitoring have brought serious harm to the information privacy of citizens. Thetraditional privacy law has not kept up with the trend of the development of the times. Today, with thedevelopment and utilization of data resources becoming a trend, we must carefully design the path ofinformation privacy protection in order to achieve the balance of information freedom and privacyprotection. The protection path of information privacy can be divided into three kinds. In terms oftechnology and incentive path, the expiration date design, the electronic housekeeper software and theability to limit the recognition technology are all aimed at realizing the infiltration of information privacyinfringement in the bud; In terms of industry self-discipline, it can effectively fill the blank space of thelaw, specify and standardize the information privacy protection, but also bring social 'soft coercion'; Interms of the power construction path, the information privacy protection must be adjusted according to thepractice of relevant legislation, law enforcement and judicial practice so as to adapt to the informationprivacy protection in the era of large data.
作者 李延舜
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期67-73,共7页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 江苏省普通高校学术研究生创新计划项目(KYLX15_1278)
关键词 个人信息 隐私权 行业自律 惩罚性赔偿 Personal Information Privacy Industry Self-discipline Punitive Damages
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