
渗透树脂治疗正畸后白垩斑美学效果的临床研究 被引量:8

Clinical study on the aesthetic effect of penetrating resin on the chalk spot after orthodontic treatment
摘要 目的探讨正畸后白垩斑采用渗透树脂治疗的疗效。方法选取2014年8月~2015年8月期间我院接收的正畸后白垩斑患者24例,将入选者随机分为涂氟处理组(n=12,共45颗牙齿)与渗透树脂组(n=12,共45颗牙齿),涂氟处理组采取涂氟处理治疗,渗透树脂组采取渗透树脂治疗,观察两组的美学效果。结果两组治疗后1周、治疗后3个月时的R值较治疗前均显著减小(P<0.05),治疗后3个月时R值较治疗1周时有所降低,但无明显差异(P>0.05),不同时间点R值比较,渗透树脂组显著低于涂氟处理组(P<0.05);两组治疗后3个月的SR值较治疗后1周有所升高,但无明显差异性(P>0.05),在不同时间点渗透树脂组的SR值较涂氟处理组显著要高(P<0.05)。结论渗透性树脂治疗正畸后白垩斑,相对于涂氟处理,可更大程度地减少病损面积,使牙外观改善,且短期内效果稳定,具有推广价值。 Objective To investigate the effect of penetrating resin in the treatment of chalk spot after orthodontic treatment. Methods A total of 24 patients with post-orthodontic chalk spot admitted in our hospital from August 2014 to August 2015 were randomly divided into group A(n=12, with 45 teeth) and penetrating resin group(n=12, with 45 teeth). The fluoride treatment group was given fluoride treatment, and the penetrating resin group was given the penetration resin treatment. The aesthetic effect between the two groups was observed. Results The R values in the two groups at one week and 3 months after treatment were significantly lower than those before treatment(P〈0.05). The R value at 3 months after treatment was lower than that at one week after treatment, but there was no significant difference(P〉0.05). R values at different time points were compared, and the R value of the penetrating resin group was significantly lower than that of the fluoride treatment group (P〈0.05). The SR values in the two groups at 3 months after treatment were higher than those at one week after treatment, but there was no significant difference(P〉0.05). The SR value of the penetrating resin group was significantly higher than that of the fluoride treatment group at different time points(P〈0.05). Conclusion Penetrating resin in the treatment of chalk spot after orthodontics can reduce the lesion area to a greater extent compared with fluoride treatment, and can improve the appearance of teeth, with stable short-term effect and promotion value.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2017年第12期80-83,共4页 China Modern Doctor
基金 浙江省金华市科学技术研究计划项目(2015-3-083)
关键词 正畸 渗透树脂 白垩斑 美学效果 Orthodontics Penetrating resin Chalk spot Aesthetic effect
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