试验旨在研究利用套算法计算肉用绵羊常用单一粗饲料的代谢能和可消化粗蛋白。试验选取3只体重为(40±1.0)kg、健康的小尾寒羊为试验羊,分别对4种不同试验日粮(花生秧、豆秸、苜蓿和燕麦草各替代30%基础日粮)进行消化代谢和气体代谢试验。通过套算法计算4种单一粗饲料的代谢能值和可消化粗蛋白。结果表明,花生秧、豆秸、苜蓿和燕麦草的代谢能值分别为13.45、5.53、11.14 MJ/kg和15.49 MJ/kg;可消化粗蛋白含量分别为124.61、52.14、104.08 g/kg和74.34 g/kg。
This study was conducted to investigate the metabnlizable energy and digestible crude protein of single roughage in mutton sheep by substitution methods. Three Small-Tailed Han sheep [(40±1) kg] were used in this study, which were given four diets of 30% substitution of peanut seeding, soybean stalk, alfalfa anti oat grass hay for basal diet respectively. Metabolizable energy and digestible crude protein of roughage were measured using digestion and metabolism trials by substitution methods. The results showed that: levels of metabolizable energy of peanut seeding, soybean stalk, alfalfa and oat grass hay were 13.45, 5.53, 11.14 MJ/kg and 15.49 MJ/kg, respectively and the levels of digestible crude protein were 124.61, 52.14, 104.08 g/kg and 74.34 g/kg, respectively.
Feed Industry