目的对老年高血压合并糖尿病患者进行药物重整并分析效益。方法选择2015年7—9月真如社区全科门诊就诊的老年高血压合并糖尿病患者作为研究对象,对入组患者进行药物重整干预,干预前后进行问卷调查评估药物重整指导效果。计量资料采用配对t检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果干预后长期用药品种、每月药费总金额和每月药费自付金额分别为(7.77±1.29)种、(1 151.50±468.50)、(393.67±148.22)元,均显著较干预前的(9.48±2.05)种、(1 340.00±530.57)、(436.83±179.21)元降低,干预后患者满意度评分及健康自评分分别为(86.70±2.98)、(71.81±11.48)分,均较干预前的(85.63±3.69)、(69.08±14.55)分有所上升,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论药物重整显著提高老年高血压合并糖尿病患者生活质量,具有多方面效益,有必要开展药物重整工作。
Objective Medication reconciliation was carried out in elderly hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus and the benefits were analyzed. Method The elderly hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus treated in Zhenru town community health service center from July to September 2015 were selected. The medication reconciliation intervention was carried out in the study group. The guiding effect of medication reconciliation was evaluated by questionnaire before and after the intervention. Measurement data was processed by paired-t test, P〈0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result The long-term medication varieties, total amount of monthly expenses for medicine and the amount of monthly out-of-pocket payment for medicine after intervene were (7.77± 1.29), (1 151.5±4. 468.50), (393.67±148.22) yuan, significantly reduced than that before intervene[ (9.48 ± 2.05), (1 340.00 ± 530.57), (436.83 ± 179.21) yuan], the differences were statistically significant(all P〈0.05). The scores of patient satisfaction and health self-scoring were (86.70 ± 2.98), (71.81 ± 11.48) points after intervene, which were increased than that before intervene[ (85.63 ± 3.69), (69.08 ±14.55) points], the differences were statistically significant (all P〈0.05). Conclusion Medication reconciliation significantly improved the quality of life of elderly hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus and it had many benefits. It is necessary to carry out medication reconciliation.
Journal Of Community Medicine
Hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus
Medication reconciliation